2024-25 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
McClain, Alexandria Ka'Yana My'Pearl PSYCH CARE WORKER MM CW 8ECP $ 51,958.40 $ 0.00
McClain, Ashley Social Work Supervisor MM Soc Wrk - Adm & Guest Suprt $ 95,269.21 $ 0.00
McClain, Danielle Admin Asst Sr Healthcare MM Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 54,589.96 $ 0.00
McClain, Eli Research Area Specialist Inter Economic Growth Institute $ 73,265.92 $ 69,602.62
McClain, Erin Authorization Coord Inter MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 43,524.73 $ 0.00
McClain, Jill Graphic Designer Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 65,704.78 $ 0.00
McClain, Kellen App Programmer/Analyst Ld MM DLHS Administration $ 118,462.31 $ 88,846.73
McClain, Kimberly REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL E MM Nsg Clin Support Vast $ 136,156.80 $ 0.00
McClain, Michael RN CASE MANAGER COMPETENT-NE MM UH CVC Care Mgt RN $ 124,862.40 $ 0.00
McClain, Nathaniel B ASST PROFESSOR Flint Education $ 71,070.00 $ 71,070.00

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