2019-20 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
James, Allison LEO Lecturer I Flint SocAnthropology & CJ $ 40,290.00 $ 10,072.56
James, Amydoral Inpatient Unit Clerk CW Nursing Clerical Services $ 34,918.19 $ 0.00
James, Angela Maria SECURITY OFFICER Michigan Medicine Security Ser $ 49,857.60 $ 0.00
James, Antonio Data/Info Architect Inter DPSS TECHNOLOGY SERVICES $ 71,610.75 $ 0.00
James, Carol Patient Care Tech Associate CW Oper Room - Mott $ 33,332.48 $ 0.00
James, Carolyn UNIT CUSTODIAN UMH Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 35,921.60 $ 0.00
James, Columbus CUSTODIAN I Building Services $ 34,777.60 $ 34,777.60
James, Cornelius A CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR Int Med-General Medicine $ 208,035.00 $ 0.00
James, Cornelius A CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR Pediatrics Primary Care $ 147,090.00 $ 0.00
James, Crystal Public Safety Associate Dir DPSS U of M Police Dept $ 129,960.25 $ 0.00
James, DeShawn Patient Services Intermediate UMH Med Inn Sleep Clinic $ 41,079.91 $ 0.00
James, Dimitra Administrative Assistant Inter UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 44,000.06 $ 44,000.00
James, Dylan Intraop Mntrng Neuromonitorist UMH Neurology IOM $ 65,920.04 $ 0.00
James, Edwin Physical Therapist UMH PT & OT Clinic - Canton $ 99,571.13 $ 0.00
James, Eleanore Savannah Research Laboratory Tech Assoc Cell and Developmental Biology $ 27,999.92 $ 0.00
James, Elizabeth Ann Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Assoc LSA DAAS $ 73,958.00 $ 73,958.00
James, Jamila A REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL A UMH 4C $ 65,832.00 $ 0.00
James, Jecodus PATIENT TRANSPORTER Logistics Patient Transport $ 35,921.60 $ 0.00
James, Jennifer Respiratory Therapist CW Mott Resp Therapy $ 51,398.43 $ 0.00
James, Jill REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C UMH Radiation Oncology $ 84,448.00 $ 0.00
James, Kassel POLICE OFFICER UM-Dearborn Police Department $ 52,624.00 $ 52,624.00
James, Kristine E EDUC NURSE COORD MASTERY CW 7E $ 109,616.00 $ 0.00
James, LaTeesa ASST LIBRARIAN Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 54,971.25 $ 54,971.25
James, Lauren Marketing Specialist Office of Research $ 55,032.25 $ 0.00
James, Mark Web Designer/Administrator Sr VPEM Administration $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
James, Marvelena Administrative Assistant Sr Dbn Office of Financial Aid $ 45,999.98 $ 46,000.00
James, Measie Case Manager UMMG Care Mangement $ 55,189.34 $ 0.00
James, Michael Patrick LEO Lecturer I Ross School of Business $ 100,042.34 $ 54,198.00
James, Pamela Project Senior Manager IntMed-Geri & Palliative Med. $ 110,830.11 $ 0.00
James, Robert Desktop Support Specialist Sr HITS AOM DeviceOps-RCD $ 65,324.99 $ 0.00

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