2014-15 University of Michigan Salaries | |||||
Name | Title | Department | FTR | GR | |
Hoppe, Beckie | Clinical Info Analyst Sr | GSA - Administration (GSA/ADM) | $ 81,800.00 | $ 0.00 | |
Hoppe, Crystal | Financial Aid Officer Inter | Law School | $ 40,800.00 | $ 40,800.00 | |
Hoppe, Elizabeth | REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C | CW 10E - PICU | $ 60,590.40 | $ 0.00 | |
Hoppe, Kelli R | Financial Aid Admin Senior | Flint Financial Aid | $ 47,481.08 | $ 47,481.08 | |
Hopper, Alice | Word Processing Operator Inter | UMH Surg/Necropsy Trans | $ 35,816.12 | $ 0.00 | |
Hopper, Antoinette E | Student Admin Asst Sr | College of Pharmacy | $ 56,695.00 | $ 56,695.00 | |
Hopper, Jillian | LEO Intermittent Lecturer | School of MusicTheatreandDance | $ 34,510.00 | $ 25,882.56 | |
Hopper, Michael | UNIT CUSTODIAN | UMH Environmental Svcs-EVE | $ 31,616.00 | $ 0.00 | |
Hoppes, James | Administrative Assistant Inter | Student Organizations | $ 33,999.94 | $ 0.00 | |
Hoppes, Marian Lou | Ophthalmic Technician | UMH Ophthy Pediatric Clinic-PR | $ 48,494.00 | $ 0.00 |
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