2023-24 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Fisher, Aaron Seth CLINICAL ASST PROF MM Int Med-Hospital Medicine $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Fisher, Adam Project Senior Manager VP for Communications $ 97,560.32 $ 97,560.32
Fisher, Ann Annual Giving Officer Lead MM Development - Operations $ 127,009.30 $ 0.00
Fisher, Anna ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA American Culture $ 102,302.00 $ 76,726.50
Fisher, Anna Assoc Professor LSA Digital Studies Institute $ 102,302.00 $ 25,575.50
Fisher, Anne Physical Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 102,440.53 $ 0.00
Fisher, Bridget REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C MM UH CVC 6B1 $ 80,849.60 $ 0.00
Fisher, Caitlyn Clinical Research Coord Assoc MM Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 59,970.86 $ 0.00
Fisher, Carinitha Lashaye Secretary Intermediate LSA UG: CGIS $ 44,850.32 $ 44,850.32
Fisher, Charles Laboratory Technician MM Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 45,540.24 $ 0.00
Fisher, Christopher Investment Analyst Inter Chief Investment Officer (CIO) $ 85,000.00 $ 0.00
Fisher, Daniel C CURATOR LSA Paleontology Museum $ 185,016.00 $ 92,508.00
Fisher, Daniel C PROFESSOR LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 185,016.00 $ 92,508.00
Fisher, Deborah J Patient Services Associate MM Radiology-Central Svc $ 51,612.13 $ 0.00
Fisher, Elizabeth Grace Communications Specialist Taubman College Administration $ 79,695.00 $ 79,695.00
Fisher, Gary J PROFESSOR MM Dermatology Department $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Fisher, Jacqueline HOUSE OFFICER VI MM H.O. Peds - Endocrinology $ 85,166.00 $ 0.00
Fisher, Jennifer Lynn Patient Services Intermediate MM PM&R PT/OT ACU Adm Office $ 51,360.56 $ 0.00
Fisher, Jennifer Lynn Patient Care Tech Associate MM UH CVC 4C $ 46,531.32 $ 0.00
Fisher, Jenny REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL E MM Anes Back & Pain Ctr $ 105,643.20 $ 0.00
Fisher, Jeremy CS Programmer Senior ITS IA ID & Access Mgt $ 101,285.00 $ 101,285.00
Fisher, Jody Research Administrator Sr MM Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 89,610.30 $ 0.00
Fisher, Kathleen M ADJUNCT CLINICAL LECTURER Flint Nursing $ 40,000.00 $ 17,250.00
Fisher, Kathleen M LEO Lecturer I Flint Nursing $ 51,000.00 $ 6,512.56
Fisher, Kelly UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 40,040.00 $ 0.00
Fisher, Kelsey Medical Technologist Spec MM Histocompatibility $ 81,120.00 $ 0.00
Fisher, Kristi ASST COACH Athletics $ 71,400.00 $ 0.00
Fisher, Laura Physical Ther Clin Spec MM Spine Physical-Occ Therapy $ 111,309.36 $ 0.00
Fisher, Mary Clinical Info Analyst Ld MM Quality - QA & Informatics $ 116,652.41 $ 0.00
Fisher, Megan Info Resources Spec Inter School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00

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Goodson, Brand/Product Analyst Senior UMH Interpreters Program
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sch, r Physician Assistant UMHS Office of the CIO4

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