2018-19 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Carr, Alena Castillo Laboratory Technician CW Path Peds ED $ 39,892.39 $ 0.00
Carr, Benjamin HOUSE OFFICER VI H.O. Surgery Core $ 73,549.00 $ 0.00
Carr, Bridgette Ann ASSOC DEAN Law School $ 176,873.00 $ 168,029.35
Carr, Christa Lee Student Affairs Program Mgr CoE Integrative Sys - Design $ 53,430.00 $ 0.00
Carr, Devin Chief Nursing Ofcr Sys Own Hos UH CVC Executive Triad $ 292,125.00 $ 0.00
Carr, Gail E Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Integrative Sys - Design $ 55,728.00 $ 55,728.00
Carr, John D Clin Bus Analyst Senior HITS COA Clin Doc/OB/ED $ 89,107.65 $ 0.00
Carr, Kevin Gray ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History of Art $ 93,074.00 $ 93,074.00
Carr, Mary M Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 54,370.00 $ 54,370.00
Carr, Sue A REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL E CW 10W - PCTU $ 106,579.20 $ 0.00
Carr II, Thomas Leigh PARKING ATTENDANT Univ Parking Svcs-Medical Camp $ 36,025.60 $ 0.00
Carr-West, Deanna Radiation Therapy Tech ARRT UMH Radiation Oncology $ 72,713.44 $ 0.00
Carrasco, Jamie REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C UMH 5A $ 64,022.40 $ 0.00
Carrasco-Teja, Mariana ASST RES SCIENTIST UMOR-MI Inst Comp Discov - Eng $ 96,000.00 $ 19,200.00
Carrasco-Teja, Mariana Acad -/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Sr UMOR-MI Inst Comp Discov - Eng $ 96,000.00 $ 76,800.00
Carrell, Susan K REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C CW 7E $ 101,108.80 $ 0.00
Carreon, Fernando LEO Lecturer IV LSA Mathematics $ 83,240.61 $ 83,240.61
Carrero, Diana Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Cardiology Admin $ 106,429.90 $ 0.00
Carrier, Bryan ATHLETIC FACIL WKR II Athletics $ 43,908.80 $ 0.00
Carrier, Robert J LEO Lecturer II Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 46,817.20 $ 5,852.15
Carrillo, Daniela RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Psychology $ 52,000.00 $ 0.00
Carrillo, Judith L Financial Senior Manager Internal Medicine Department $ 115,419.03 $ 0.00
Carrillo, Nathan Administrative Assistant Inter LSA UG: Museum of Nat History $ 41,500.00 $ 0.00
Carrington, Cerise Admissions Officer Senior School of Social Work $ 56,650.00 $ 56,650.00
Carrington, Scherrie L Admin Coord/Project Coord CE Phys Relations - Outreach $ 53,684.56 $ 0.00
Carriveau, Brent Louis POLICE OFFICER DPSS U of M Police Dept $ 76,710.40 $ 0.00
Carroll, Allison REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C CW 7E $ 71,468.80 $ 0.00
Carroll, Andrew App Sys Analyst/Prgm Inter MICHR - Operations $ 61,359.19 $ 30,679.60
Carroll, Christine Michelle Risk Mgmt Cons Healthcare Clinical Risk $ 100,639.63 $ 0.00
Carroll, D'Anthony CUSTODIAN II UMH Environmental Svcs-MN $ 36,025.60 $ 0.00

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