2018-19 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Arnold, Brian Network Planning Analyst Assoc Merit Network $ 45,000.02 $ 0.00
Arnold, Christina Paralegal/Legal Asst Inter Student Legal Services $ 53,302.58 $ 53,302.58
Arnold, Damon Admin Manager Assoc Healthcare UMH Radiology UH $ 92,700.00 $ 0.00
Arnold, Erin REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C CW 10E - PICU $ 64,937.60 $ 0.00
Arnold, Jean M Media Services Manager LSA Dean: Instruc Suppor Svcs $ 84,500.00 $ 84,500.00
Arnold, Jenifer Lee COOK I MI Dining - Administration $ 36,025.60 $ 0.00
Arnold, Jennifer HOUSE OFFICER IV H.O. Neurology $ 66,595.00 $ 0.00
Arnold, Jimmy D Pharmacy Technician Senior UMH Home Med Admin $ 47,967.87 $ 0.00
Arnold, Julie Ruth Risk Mgmt Cons Healthcare Clinical Risk $ 96,657.50 $ 0.00
Arnold, Kelly Benedict ASST PROFESSOR Biomedical Engineering $ 101,275.00 $ 96,211.25
Arnold, Kimberly Patient Services Intermediate UMH East Ann Arbor RAD $ 37,155.69 $ 0.00
Arnold, Larry D BI Analyst Senior HITS DRA Department Analytics $ 90,264.57 $ 0.00
Arnold, Lisa Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Nursing Amb Care Admin $ 65,190.00 $ 0.00
Arnold, Marisa Nicole Transportation Associate Supr Transportation Services $ 52,886.81 $ 0.00
Arnold, Meghan CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Pediatric Surgery Section $ 165,000.00 $ 0.00
Arnold, Nicholas Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Physics $ 43,415.00 $ 43,415.00
Arnold, Patrick Clinical Pharmacist Specialist HITS COA Med Use Informat/CDS $ 124,987.61 $ 0.00
Arnold, Ryan Major Gifts Officer Inter ROSS SCH Dev-Alum Rltns-Oprtns $ 94,741.68 $ 0.00
Arnold, Todd Pharmacy Technician Inter UMH Home Med Admin $ 44,618.23 $ 0.00
Arnold, Torey Ray RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 48,432.00 $ 0.00
Arnold, Victoria Patient Services Associate UMH Emergency Department $ 30,700.80 $ 0.00
Arnold-Robinson, Theresa Social Worker MSW Senior UMH Social Work $ 76,616.73 $ 0.00
Arnoldi, Sarah LaParche EDUC NURSE COORD - COMPETENT UMH Post Anes Care Unit - UH $ 104,832.00 $ 0.00
Arnoldy, Deborah REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C UMH Post Anes Care Unit - UH $ 93,600.00 $ 0.00

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