2005-06 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Long, Susan M Patient Services Assistant UMH Chelsea Health Center Core $ 27,275.56 $ 0.00
Long, Susan M Medical Technologist UMH Pathology Blood Bank $ 56,615.26 $ 0.00

Lists of recent University of Michigan searches of
Long, Susan M public relations rep HITS AOM SvcDeskOps
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Finney, Mary Jo RADIATION THERAPIST UMH Office of Clin Informatics
Pla, MEDIA ENGINEER I Planned Giving
Sutton, Michael Mark Alexander LIBRARY ASSISTANT IV Pharmwcy
Mapp, Anna K GA UMH Path I/P Phlebotomy6
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Smith, Andrew bookkeeper MM UH CVC 6B1
Murph, J Customer Service Rep int DENT Ortho/Peds Dentistry
Moore, Michael Clinical Research Coor DENT Ortho/Peds Dentistry

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