2015-16 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Brown, Mark Instructional Designer Learning and Professional Dev $ 62,222.00 $ 34,222.10
Brown, Martha E Research Lab Specialist Senior Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 67,958.75 $ 0.00
Brown, Mary Mammography Technologist UMH East Ann Arbor RAD $ 68,230.24 $ 0.00
Brown, Mary Carolyn Financial Specialist Senior Pediatrics-Ambulatory Care Pgm $ 69,621.82 $ 0.00
Brown, Matthew HOUSE OFFICER VII UMH H.O. Fellows Plastic Surg $ 72,189.00 $ 0.00
Brown, Matthew W Engineering Technician Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 63,067.61 $ 63,067.60
Brown, Megan Dietitian Senior UMH Ped Bariatric Comp Wgtloss $ 53,582.20 $ 0.00
Brown, Meghan Data Entry Operator Inter Alumni Association $ 26,999.96 $ 0.00
Brown, Melissa Marketing Specialist UMH Mlabs Program $ 72,736.71 $ 0.00
Brown, Melissa REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 7C Cardiology $ 61,360.00 $ 0.00
Brown, Melissa N Corporate Communications Mgr Flint University Relations $ 84,624.80 $ 84,624.80
Brown, Michael CUSTODIAN II Facilities $ 32,968.00 $ 0.00
Brown, Michael R Emergency Services Technician UMH Emergency Department $ 50,920.56 $ 0.00
Brown, Michele M Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Social Work $ 80,042.25 $ 0.00
Brown, Michelle Physical Therapist UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 79,182.40 $ 0.00
Brown, Michelle REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) Central Staffing Resource $ 91,873.60 $ 0.00
Brown, Miranda D PROFESSOR LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Brown, Morris W Audio-Visual Technician LSA Dean: Instruc Support Svcs $ 34,664.00 $ 34,664.00
Brown, Morton B PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A Biostatistics Department $ 183,135.33 $ 0.00
Brown Jr, Mark W REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH CVC-5 $ 79,809.60 $ 0.00
Brown Jr, Matthew Victor LEO Intermittent Lecturer Ross School of Business $ 95,000.00 $ 95,000.00
Brown-Rust, Melissa Kay Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Briarwood Fam Med - Prof $ 45,609.99 $ 0.00

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