2023-24 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Cole, Carin Admin Asst Sr Healthcare MM Operations Support Other $ 60,777.37 $ 0.00
Cole, Caylen Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Operations - CAS & DL $ 43,850.49 $ 43,850.49
Cole, Chelsea Patient Registration Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 37,208.50 $ 0.00
Cole, Chris Medical Technologist MM Microbiol Pathology $ 65,746.98 $ 0.00
Cole, Christopher Research Laboratory Tech Assoc MM Dermatology Department $ 32,000.02 $ 0.00
Cole, Courtney Clinical Research Coord Assoc MM Anesthesiology Department $ 59,970.86 $ 0.00
Cole, Crystal Instructional Learning Inter Center for Academic Innovation $ 69,680.00 $ 0.00
Cole-Brown, Carolyn M Operations Top Executive Hlth MM UH/CVC Executive Director $ 274,469.25 $ 0.00
Coleman, Carla-Rae REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C MM UH CVC 5A $ 95,305.60 $ 0.00
Coleman, Carol M Inpatient Unit Clerk MM CW Clerical Services $ 45,937.68 $ 0.00
Coles, Cheryl L Accounting Clerk Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 49,017.30 $ 49,017.26

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