List of Departments

Number of people in this department: mm ctr 69
Maximum Salary:$ 129,861.10
Average Salary:$ 77,315.34
Minimum Salary:$ 34,253.98

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Cruz, Gabriel Bioinfo-Comput Biologist Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 77,250.00 $ 0.00
Rankin, Aaron Research Administrator Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 75,190.00 $ 10,526.60
Mueller, Heidi Admin Specialist Inter Health MM Ctr for History of Medicine $ 74,105.37 $ 0.00
Cheng, Yunhui Research Lab Specialist Senior MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 73,157.08 $ 0.00
Caldwell-Smith, Christine Histotechnologist MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 72,933.46 $ 0.00
Rabban, Erica Faith Clinical Research Coord Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 71,068.29 $ 0.00
Miller, Amanda Histotechnologist MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 70,039.88 $ 0.00
Muschong, Kayla Clinical Research Coord Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 69,217.99 $ 0.00
Luo, Jie RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 68,964.00 $ 0.00
Zheng, Heng Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 66,730.61 $ 0.00
Jing, Xiaojun Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 64,578.05 $ 0.00
Zheng, Yang RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 64,356.00 $ 0.00
Bao, Yi RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 64,356.00 $ 0.00
Zhou, Jin Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 64,301.15 $ 0.00
Jiang, Xia Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 63,946.39 $ 0.00
Dunn, Melissa Jo Luma Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Coor MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 62,516.84 $ 0.00
Chang, Yu RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 61,884.00 $ 0.00
Paturu, Radha RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 61,800.00 $ 0.00
Li, Jing RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 61,428.00 $ 0.00
Mahapatra, Somnath RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 61,428.00 $ 0.00
Bhattacharyya, Rupam RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 61,428.00 $ 0.00
VanAken, Shannon Michelle Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 61,233.50 $ 0.00
Yang, Fan RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 61,008.00 $ 0.00
Liu, Wenyan RESEARCH FELLOW MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 61,008.00 $ 0.00
Wheeler, Christina Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Wolfe, Ashley Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 58,246.50 $ 0.00
Neff, Dawn Histology Technician MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 57,000.06 $ 0.00
Pham, Tiffany Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 55,757.21 $ 0.00
Li, Hui Admin Specialist Assoc Health MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 55,013.96 $ 0.00
Knuth, Elizabeth Clinical Research Technician MM Ctr fr Translational Path. $ 53,736.48 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 3

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