List of Departments

Number of people in this department: lsa stat 50
Maximum Salary:$ 247,000.00
Average Salary:$ 129,517.83
Minimum Salary:$ 45,540.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hsing, Tailen PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 247,000.00 $ 123,500.00
Levina, Elizaveta PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 239,381.00 $ 239,381.00
Ritov, Yaacov PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 236,900.00 $ 236,900.00
Zhu, Ji PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 235,765.00 $ 212,188.50
Wang, Naisyin PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 225,506.00 $ 225,506.00
Tewari, Ambuj PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 224,900.00 $ 224,900.00
Shedden, Kerby A PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 208,200.00 $ 116,200.58
Mebane Jr, Walter R Professor LSA Statistics $ 201,718.00 $ 50,429.50
Ionides, Edward L PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 198,000.00 $ 198,000.00
Banerjee, Moulinath PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 187,600.00 $ 187,600.00
Nguyen, Long Xuan PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 187,600.00 $ 187,600.00
Stoev, Stilian Atanasov PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 182,300.00 $ 182,300.00
Hansen, Bendek B PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 170,240.00 $ 170,240.00
Xu, Gongjun ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 167,000.00 $ 157,714.80
Sun, Yuekai ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 159,060.00 $ 159,060.00
Tan, Kean Ming ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 158,500.00 $ 158,500.00
Terhorst, Jonathan ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 158,500.00 $ 108,731.00
Chen, Yang ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 155,000.00 $ 137,764.00
Gagnon Bartsch, Johann ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 152,440.00 $ 152,440.00
Fogarty, Colin Burton ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 148,530.00 $ 148,530.00
Zuniga-Valentino, Beatrice Business Administrator Lead LSA Statistics $ 147,762.00 $ 73,881.00
Panigrahi, Snigdha ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 146,740.00 $ 146,740.00
Wang, Yixin ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 140,900.00 $ 140,900.00
Regier, Jeffrey ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 138,120.00 $ 138,120.00
Guo, Fangjian ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 134,000.00 $ 134,000.00
Morgan, Katherine ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 133,000.00 $ 133,000.00
Green, Paul Eric LEO Lecturer II LSA Statistics $ 118,123.02 $ 111,772.32
Romero, Alicia LEO Lecturer III LSA Statistics $ 103,680.00 $ 103,680.00
Keane, John LEO Lecturer III LSA Statistics $ 101,520.00 $ 101,520.00
Fink, Nadiya LEO Lecturer II LSA Statistics $ 100,292.82 $ 100,292.82
Page: 1 of 2

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