List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Urology Liv Clin- Tech 9
Maximum Salary:$ 136,790.54
Average Salary:$ 69,147.84
Minimum Salary:$ 37,414.38

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Collin, Diane Marie Physician Asst Surg Subspec T2 Urology Liv Clin- Tech $ 136,790.54 $ 0.00
Gonzales, Cynthia REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C Urology Liv Clin- Tech $ 102,107.20 $ 0.00
McCormick, Robert John REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C Urology Liv Clin- Tech $ 96,408.00 $ 0.00
Johnson, Janene REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C Urology Liv Clin- Tech $ 81,598.40 $ 0.00
Wilcox, Rhonda Medical Assistant Senior Urology Liv Clin- Tech $ 45,398.35 $ 0.00
Sauro, Amber Licensed Practical Nurse Urology Liv Clin- Tech $ 42,371.51 $ 0.00
Brooks, Pamela Hope Medical Assistant Associate Urology Liv Clin- Tech $ 40,177.77 $ 0.00
Frierson, Angela Medical Assistant Associate Urology Liv Clin- Tech $ 40,064.37 $ 0.00
Scott, Celeste Medical Assistant Associate Urology Liv Clin- Tech $ 37,414.38 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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