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Number of people in this department: UMPD Communication 13
Maximum Salary:$ 86,803.08
Average Salary:$ 48,987.56
Minimum Salary:$ 43,929.60

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
James, Crystal Police Lieutenant UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 86,803.08 $ 86,803.08
Cook, Scott R COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 48,235.20 $ 48,235.20
Dorta, Erin Anne COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 46,363.20 $ 46,363.20
Armitage, Michael Paul COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 45,947.20 $ 45,947.20
Dupuis, David A COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 45,947.20 $ 45,947.20
Houston, Lisa Sue COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 45,947.20 $ 45,947.20
Howell, Julie COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 45,947.20 $ 45,947.20
Jarvis, Brian James COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 45,947.20 $ 45,947.20
Miller, Brook N COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 45,947.20 $ 45,947.20
Moss, Steven C PARK ENFORC OFFICER UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 45,947.20 $ 45,947.20
Sciberras, Jessica COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 45,947.20 $ 45,947.20
Feltes, Aron COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 43,929.60 $ 43,929.60
Klimaszewski, Wanda COMMUNICATIONS OFCR UMPD Communication & Alarm Ctr $ 43,929.60 $ 43,929.60
Page: 1 of 1

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