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Number of people in this department: UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy 46
Maximum Salary:$ 62,010.00
Average Salary:$ 32,992.33
Minimum Salary:$ 24,753.04

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Campbell, Shellie Jayne Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 62,010.00 $ 0.00
Hayes, Sheila Ann Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 45,542.12 $ 0.00
LeBlanc, Diana L Allied Health Technical Coord UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 44,130.58 $ 0.00
Carey, Lori J Allied Health Technical Coord UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 42,848.00 $ 0.00
Palmeri, Judith Ann Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 42,161.08 $ 0.00
Rosin, Ann Allied Health Technical Coord UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 41,475.72 $ 0.00
Rush, Annette T Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 40,378.00 $ 0.00
Leigh, Joyce Ellen Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 40,357.20 $ 0.00
Clemens, Di Ann Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 40,081.08 $ 0.00
Khiterer, Diana Allied Health Technical Coord UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 38,968.02 $ 0.00
Dilworth, Glenda S Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 38,002.12 $ 0.00
Kennedy, Jodi K Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 37,090.56 $ 0.00
Barnier, Claudette I Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 37,054.68 $ 0.00
Smith, Christine Ann Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 36,085.40 $ 0.00
Robinson, Nicole L Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 34,819.98 $ 0.00
Spiegelberg, Rita A Allied Health Technical Coord UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 34,037.38 $ 0.00
Williams, Audrey M Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 33,890.74 $ 0.00
Piotrowski, Tegan M Laboratory Technician UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 33,739.94 $ 0.00
Byrd, Janice V Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 33,049.90 $ 0.00
Sidhu, Amol Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 32,762.08 $ 0.00
Holzapfel, Carol A Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 32,713.72 $ 0.00
Daniel, Archer F Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 32,610.50 $ 0.00
Ayers, De'layne R Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 31,839.86 $ 0.00
Gosselin, Lorrie S Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 30,873.44 $ 0.00
Torres, Juan Eduardo Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 30,820.40 $ 0.00
Jimenez, Rafael Antonio Laboratory Technician UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 30,761.12 $ 0.00
Rauch, Tonya L Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 29,948.36 $ 0.00
Lutz, Marie Annette Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 29,047.98 $ 0.00
Schwartzenberger, Jason Ryan Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 28,662.14 $ 0.00
Abraham, Chavonne Marie Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 28,226.90 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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