List of Departments

Number of people in this department: UMH Ophthalmology 19
Maximum Salary:$ 101,295.79
Average Salary:$ 44,904.50
Minimum Salary:$ 28,644.20

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Jacobi, Diane M Optometrist UMH Ophthalmology Adams - PRO $ 101,295.79 $ 0.00
Dootz, Gregory L Prosthetist UMH Ophthalmology Prosthesis $ 88,583.99 $ 0.00
Ziehm-Scott, Jennifer L Admin Manager Assoc Healthcare UMH Ophthalmology Clinic-Admin $ 76,633.01 $ 0.00
Wisniewski, Kim M Optometric Technician UMH Ophthalmology Brighton-PRO $ 47,022.04 $ 0.00
Stheiner, Amy E Office Manager UMH Ophthalmology Brighton-PRO $ 44,101.11 $ 0.00
Gibbons, Teresa Ann Ophthalmic Technician UMH Ophthalmology Brighton-PRO $ 43,000.62 $ 0.00
Teall-Timlin, Joanne Ophthalmic Technician UMH Ophthalmology Adams - PRO $ 41,751.06 $ 0.00
Smith, Dianna L Patient Services Associate UMH Ophthalmology Adams - PRO $ 41,271.36 $ 0.00
Mcclendon-Hubbard, Tanya K Ophthalmic Technician UMH Ophthalmology Adams - PRO $ 40,314.30 $ 0.00
Lobdell, Alexis Billing/Patient Acct Spec Hlth UMH Ophthalmology Clinic-PRO $ 40,150.76 $ 0.00
Brakoniecki, Ruth O Ophthalmic Technician UMH Ophthalmology Brighton-PRO $ 39,048.36 $ 0.00
Davis, Ruth E Patient Services Assistant UMH Ophthalmology Brighton-PRO $ 35,640.54 $ 0.00
Mantay, Deanna L Patient Services Associate UMH Ophthalmology Brighton-PRO $ 33,103.46 $ 0.00
Jones, Diane M Patient Services Assistant UMH Ophthalmology Adams - PRO $ 32,716.06 $ 0.00
Nelson, Carol Elizabeth Ophthalmic Technician UMH Ophthalmology Clinic-PRO $ 31,672.42 $ 0.00
Sarazin, Mary Kay Patient Services Assistant UMH Ophthalmology Adams - PRO $ 29,773.12 $ 0.00
Taylor, Laurie Ophthalmic Technician UMH Ophthalmology Clinic-PRO $ 29,519.10 $ 0.00
Montero, Ashley Marie Office Assistant/Clerk UMH Ophthalmology Clinic-PRO $ 28,944.24 $ 0.00
Lipke, Donna M Patient Services Assistant UMH Ophthalmology Brighton-PRO $ 28,644.20 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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