List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Shared Services center 319
Maximum Salary:$ 301,182.00
Average Salary:$ 51,670.60
Minimum Salary:$ 37,000.08

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 11
Name Title Department FTR GF
Sindlinger, Shirley Ann HR Assistant Senior Shared Services Center - HR $ 63,396.30 $ 63,396.30
Tiede, Kimberly Benefits Clerk Senior Shared Services Center - HR $ 62,712.00 $ 0.00
Alverson, Karen J Accounting Clerk Senior Shared Services Center - FIN $ 61,553.04 $ 9,232.94
Halleck, Kathy J Accts Payable Clerk Senior Shared Services Center - FIN $ 61,404.96 $ 61,404.96
Rankin, Wendy E Accounting Clerk Senior Shared Services Center - FIN $ 60,793.22 $ 48,634.58
Maton, Linda C Accts Payable Clerk Senior Shared Services Center - FIN $ 60,353.28 $ 60,353.28
Claphan, Jennifer Lynn Accts Payable Clerk Senior Shared Services Center - FIN $ 60,257.34 $ 0.00
Cornell, Margaret Elizabeth Training Specialist Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 59,280.00 $ 59,280.00
Short, Emily RPA Process Analyst Assoc Shared Services Center $ 57,910.06 $ 57,910.00
Colquitt, Samantha BI Analyst Associate Shared Services Center $ 57,910.06 $ 57,910.00
Lombardo, Gino Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 57,910.00 $ 57,910.00
Zhang, Jianfang Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 57,910.00 $ 57,910.00
Saffiedine, Adam Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 57,910.00 $ 57,910.00
Morris, Jennifer Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 57,910.00 $ 57,910.00
Huertas Cabrera, Janeth Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 57,910.00 $ 57,910.00
Kailasapathy, Sumangala Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 57,910.00 $ 57,910.00
Riedberger, Lindsey Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 57,910.00 $ 57,910.00
Lovin, Matthew Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 57,910.00 $ 57,910.00
Phillips, Dora HR Assistant Intermediate Shared Services Center - HR $ 56,737.98 $ 56,738.00
Mills, Douglas H Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 55,894.02 $ 55,894.02
Latvala, Jessica Nicole HR Assistant Senior Shared Services Center - HR $ 55,486.08 $ 27,743.04
Nelson, Amanda Auditor Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 55,397.63 $ 55,397.63
Seidl, Steven Accts Payable Clerk Senior Shared Services Center - FIN $ 55,161.60 $ 55,161.60
Harrison, Abbey Lynn Administrative Assistant Inter Shared Services Center $ 55,120.00 $ 55,120.00
Edwards, Nicole Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 54,080.00 $ 54,080.00
Villiard, Dolores Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 53,850.82 $ 0.00
Nieman, Anna M Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 53,763.59 $ 53,763.59
Kim, Kwang Accounting Clerk Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 53,718.91 $ 53,718.91
Charboneau, Linda Diane Clerk Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 53,587.04 $ 0.00
Foster, John Amos HR Assistant Intermediate Shared Services Center - HR $ 53,460.94 $ 53,461.00
Page: 3 of 11

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