List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Shared Services Center - FIN 158
Maximum Salary:$ 116,752.63
Average Salary:$ 45,375.39
Minimum Salary:$ 32,999.98

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Spycher, Jackie Auditor Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,720.45 $ 39,720.45
Cottrell, Teija Auditor Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,710.04 $ 39,710.00
Ambrose, Katherine Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,534.00 $ 39,534.08
Kuszak, Lynnette Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,300.04 $ 39,300.00
Bojarczyk, Tina Renee Cust Svc Assistant Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,229.49 $ 39,229.61
Zerebiny, Karen E Accts Payable Clerk Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,055.15 $ 39,055.08
Hunt, Karie Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,000.00 $ 39,000.00
Ginyard, Crystal L Clerk Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,804.22 $ 38,804.22
Arbogast, Lori Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,766.97 $ 38,766.89
Stedman, Thomas Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,749.59 $ 38,749.65
Anning, Sherry Accts Payable Clerk Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,612.11 $ 38,612.23
Foley, Meaghan P Accts Payable Clerk Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,489.29 $ 38,489.24
Harris, Lori Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,242.60 $ 38,242.72
Mees, Peggy Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,199.98 $ 0.00
McCoig, Joseph Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 37,783.97 $ 37,784.07
Decker, Jeffrey Accts Payable Clerk Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 37,492.54 $ 37,492.61
Pisaneschi, Michael Peter Accts Payable Clerk Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 37,234.64 $ 37,234.53
Taylor Jr, Zachary Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,920.50 $ 36,920.49
Mayett, Dawn Accts Payable Clerk Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,869.42 $ 0.00
Blackburn, Teresa Cust Svc Assistant Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,773.51 $ 36,773.55
Prince, Lakisha Nicole Cust Svc Assistant Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,626.74 $ 36,626.80
Dick, Jennifer Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,574.90 $ 36,575.00
Dingman, Christopher Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,500.10 $ 36,500.00
Jackson, Hanna Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,299.90 $ 36,300.00
Lewis, Tammy Accts Payable Clerk Associate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,041.59 $ 0.00
Perez, Erin Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,000.12 $ 36,000.00
Riedberger, Lindsey Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,000.12 $ 36,000.00
Banbury, Keianna Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 35,577.88 $ 35,578.00
Bowles, Rebecca Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 35,529.94 $ 35,530.00
Jones, Bryan Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 35,529.94 $ 35,530.00
Page: 4 of 6

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