List of Departments

Number of people in this department: School of kinesiology 100
Maximum Salary:$ 321,983.00
Average Salary:$ 88,205.12
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hennessey, Shannon Student Affairs Director Unit School of Kinesiology $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00
Robinson, Leah Elizabeth ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 103,000.00 $ 103,000.00
Goulet, Grant Carr ASST RES SCIENTIST School of Kinesiology $ 97,128.87 $ 29,138.70
Marsh, Susanne A Asst To The Dean or VP Sr School of Kinesiology $ 96,876.00 $ 96,876.00
George, Thomas R CLINICAL ASST PROF School of Kinesiology $ 88,626.00 $ 88,626.00
Mathews, Emily Communications Manager School of Kinesiology $ 87,975.00 $ 87,975.00
Hasson, Rebecca ASST PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 87,318.08 $ 69,854.50
Bodary, Peter F CLINICAL ASST PROF School of Kinesiology $ 86,511.24 $ 86,511.20
Mergos, Joshua CLINICAL ASST PROF School of Kinesiology $ 86,320.00 $ 77,688.00
Schell, Robert R Technical Support Manager School of Kinesiology $ 84,822.93 $ 84,822.90
Kwak, Dae Hee ASST PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 84,551.05 $ 84,551.10
Heinze, Kathryn Lake Wheeler ASST PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 84,007.84 $ 84,007.80
Gates, Deanna ASST PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 83,817.60 $ 67,054.10
Niven, Jacqueline HR Officer Senior School of Kinesiology $ 80,000.00 $ 72,000.00
Lipps, David Benjamin ASST PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
Meehan, Sean ASST PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 79,389.86 $ 79,389.90
Arias, Edward B Research Area Specialist Sr School of Kinesiology $ 79,181.25 $ 0.00
Antonakos, Cathy L Research Area Specialist Sr School of Kinesiology $ 79,000.00 $ 0.00
Geary, Robert Sys Programmer/Analyst Inter School of Kinesiology $ 76,500.00 $ 0.00
Basten, Jay H LEO Lecturer IV School of Kinesiology $ 76,008.28 $ 76,008.30
Czajka, Brian CLINICAL ASST PROF School of Kinesiology $ 73,749.41 $ 73,749.40
Titus, Perry Facilities Coordinator/Manager School of Kinesiology $ 73,100.82 $ 73,100.80
Deneweth, Jessica Marie Engineer in Research Senior School of Kinesiology $ 72,843.30 $ 0.00
Winkelseth, Kerry E Buck Instructor School of Kinesiology $ 72,467.86 $ 57,249.60
Clark, Kathryn I LEO Lecturer II School of Kinesiology $ 71,801.66 $ 71,801.70
Winkelseth, Kerry E Buck PROGRAM ASSOCIATE School of Kinesiology $ 71,351.57 $ 0.00
Rettmann, Ashley Research Technician Lead School of Kinesiology $ 68,250.00 $ 0.00
Donahue, Kelli Jean LEO Lecturer IV School of Kinesiology $ 65,598.54 $ 65,598.50
Phelan, Adriana Rasche LEO Lecturer III School of Kinesiology $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Tropiano, Elizabeth M Contract and Grant Specialist School of Kinesiology $ 63,952.65 $ 43,040.10
Page: 2 of 4

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