List of Departments

Number of people in this department: School of Music Theatre 224
Maximum Salary:$ 332,800.00
Average Salary:$ 86,953.76
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 5 of 8
Name Title Department FTR GF
Vojcic, Aleksandra ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 76,200.30 $ 76,200.30
Heneghan, Aine ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 75,305.23 $ 75,305.23
Westlake, Jane ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 75,300.80 $ 75,300.80
Bengtson, Matthew ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00
Truckey, Amy Jo HR Generalist Senior School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00
DeJesus, Ron ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 74,615.32 $ 74,615.32
Wilson, Dennis E ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 74,059.19 $ 74,059.19
Ng, Tiffany Kwan ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 73,569.40 $ 73,569.40
Van Ornum, Scott John Accompanist School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 73,170.87 $ 33,658.60
Walker, Catherine Ann CLINICAL ASST PROF School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 71,643.42 $ 71,643.42
Ovalle, Michael Jonathan ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 71,513.41 $ 71,513.41
Terrell, Michelle Financial Associate Manager School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 71,000.00 $ 71,000.00
Pasquale, John D CLINICAL ASST PROF School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 70,856.66 $ 0.00
Croft, Clare Holloway ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 70,846.51 $ 35,423.26
Gurevich, Michael Dixon ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 70,818.79 $ 70,818.79
Goodson, Kathryn Accompanist School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 69,771.59 $ 6,977.16
Martin, Nathan ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 69,604.80 $ 69,604.80
Rusch, Rene Lynn ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 69,604.80 $ 69,604.80
Cheek, Timothy Mark CLINICAL ASSOC PROF School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 69,554.05 $ 69,554.05
Cruz, Gabriela ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 69,453.57 $ 69,453.57
Qiu, Lydia Yi Accompanist School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 68,464.32 $ 58,194.67
Clark, Kristin Noel LEO Lecturer I School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 67,771.33 $ 11,860.00
Snyder Ng, Courtney Kristen ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 67,632.45 $ 67,632.45
Kettler, Ellen Marie Major Gifts Officer Inter School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 67,330.55 $ 67,330.55
Behrendt, Catherine Web Software Developer School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 66,657.02 $ 66,657.02
Kuuskoski, Jonathan Career Services Coordinator School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 66,332.50 $ 66,332.50
Mukherji, Somangshu ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 66,167.78 $ 66,167.78
Morgeson, Eric LEO Lecturer I School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 66,035.22 $ 16,508.88
Sans Arrufat, Oriol ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 66,020.50 $ 66,020.50
Shirley, George I PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 66,000.00 $ 33,000.00
Page: 5 of 8

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