List of Departments

Number of people in this department: School of Music Theatre 224
Maximum Salary:$ 332,800.00
Average Salary:$ 86,953.76
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 8
Name Title Department FTR GF
Sheng, Bright PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 122,932.31 $ 116,785.69
Schotten, Yizhak PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 122,308.62 $ 122,308.62
McCarthy, Marie F PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 122,068.74 $ 122,068.74
Albert, Matthew Thomas ASST PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 120,000.00 $ 120,000.00
Jennings, Andrew W PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 119,156.23 $ 119,156.23
Kennedy, Bryan C LEO Lecturer II School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 118,465.91 $ 20,731.60
Greene, Arthur R PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 116,757.96 $ 116,757.96
Vaughn, Danielle Belen ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 116,461.51 $ 116,461.51
Shipps, Stephen B PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 116,208.28 $ 116,208.28
Porter, Amy K PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 115,102.17 $ 115,102.17
Korsyn, Kevin E PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 114,006.52 $ 114,006.52
Skelton, John L PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 113,951.87 $ 113,951.87
Dobbins, Sean LEO Lecturer II School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 113,441.04 $ 7,090.08
Borders, James M PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 112,592.38 $ 57,422.11
Chambers, Evan K PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 110,248.78 $ 110,248.78
Racine, Melody Lynn CLINICAL ASSOC PROF School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 109,494.76 $ 109,494.76
Everett, Walter T PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 109,362.45 $ 109,362.45
Sarath, Edward W PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 109,359.38 $ 109,359.38
Stein, Louise K PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 107,949.88 $ 107,949.88
Hall, Patricia PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 107,404.18 $ 107,404.18
Lam, Joseph S C PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 107,289.66 $ 107,289.66
Herseth, Freda A PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 107,266.11 $ 107,266.11
Whiting, Steven Moore PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 105,117.58 $ 105,117.58
Dimoff, Maximilian Roderick VISITING PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 105,000.00 $ 105,000.00
Harris, Freyja Diversity/Inclusion Specialist School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 105,000.00 $ 105,000.00
Sutherland, Enid D LEO Lecturer II School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 104,878.00 $ 10,487.80
Rodriguez, Carlos X ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 103,717.74 $ 103,717.74
King III, James William LEO Lecturer II School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 103,384.18 $ 25,846.08
Lyman, Jeffrey Gerard PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 103,303.80 $ 103,303.80
Hurst, Robert Leslie ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 103,256.67 $ 103,256.67
Page: 2 of 8

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