List of Departments

Number of people in this department: School of Music Theatre 224
Maximum Salary:$ 332,800.00
Average Salary:$ 86,953.76
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 8
Name Title Department FTR GF
Dworkin, Aaron Paul DEAN School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 332,800.00 $ 332,800.00
Monts, Lester P PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 305,104.74 $ 305,104.74
Kendall, Christopher Wolff PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 298,712.59 $ 298,712.59
Katz, Martin E PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 207,993.72 $ 155,995.29
Aaron, Richard Lee PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 205,362.37 $ 205,362.37
Halen, David PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 198,715.38 $ 198,715.38
Rafidi, Christian Administrative Director School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 183,690.00 $ 183,690.00
Becker, Joseph Edward LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 180,185.12 $ 18,018.56
Gilbert, Daniel Mark ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 173,084.62 $ 173,084.62
Cardinal, Vincent PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 170,000.00 $ 105,060.00
Unsworth, Adam PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 169,581.50 $ 169,581.50
Daniels, David PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 168,894.00 $ 168,894.00
Haithcock, Michael L PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 167,396.98 $ 167,396.98
McAllister, Timothy Patrick ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 163,525.76 $ 163,525.76
Kiesler, Kenneth M PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 162,625.26 $ 162,625.26
Blackstone, Jerry O PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 148,066.67 $ 148,066.67
Elliott, Anthony Daniel PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 145,753.47 $ 145,753.47
Olsen, Stanford PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 145,510.20 $ 145,510.20
Rowe, Ellen H PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 143,423.89 $ 143,423.89
Berofsky, Aaron PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 142,198.00 $ 142,198.00
West, Stephen B PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 141,580.45 $ 141,580.45
Kaenzig, Fritz A PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 137,436.03 $ 137,436.03
Schafer, Maureen Anne Development Director Lead School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 136,731.00 $ 136,731.00
Washington, Daniel A PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 131,237.73 $ 131,237.73
Hoffman, Laura J Assistant Dean School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 130,391.18 $ 130,391.18
Gannett, Diana R PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 128,000.00 $ 32,000.00
Daugherty, Michael K PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 127,451.51 $ 127,451.51
Song, Yoonshin LEO Lecturer I School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 127,124.99 $ 9,534.40
Fulcher, Jane Fair PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 126,000.04 $ 126,000.04
King, Nancy A PROFESSOR School of Music Theatre&Dance $ 123,143.56 $ 123,143.56
Page: 1 of 8

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