List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Sch of Nat Resources 96
Maximum Salary:$ 219,840.00
Average Salary:$ 92,384.63
Minimum Salary:$ 35,546.84

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Newell, Joshua ASST PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 100,000.00 $ 95,000.00
Wondolleck, Julia Marie ASSOC PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 99,524.89 $ 69,667.42
Johnson, Jeremiah ASST PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 99,137.50 $ 99,137.50
De Young, Raymond K ASSOC PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 97,692.72 $ 97,692.72
Jones, Stanton I ASSOC PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 96,288.51 $ 96,288.51
Ibanez, Ines ASSOC PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 93,849.44 $ 47,863.21
Adlerstein-Gonzalez, Sara ASSOC RES SCIENTIST Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 92,038.42 $ 4,601.87
Bergen, Kathleen Mary ASSOC RES SCIENTIST Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 91,419.50 $ 54,851.70
Hunter, MaryCarol Rossiter ASSOC PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 90,983.29 $ 90,983.29
Jain, Meha ASST PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 90,000.00 $ 90,000.00
Butt, Bilal ASST PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 90,000.00 $ 90,000.00
Foufopoulos, Johannes ASSOC PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 89,241.45 $ 89,241.45
Hardin, Rebecca D ASSOC PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 88,300.69 $ 88,300.69
Blesh, Jennifer ASST PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 87,500.00 $ 87,500.00
Lindquist, Mark ASST PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 87,125.00 $ 87,125.00
Basu, Avik Swapnasish Research Area Specialist Sr Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 86,700.00 $ 86,700.00
Fischer, Alexandra Paige ASST PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 85,100.63 $ 74,463.05
Alfaro, Jose CLINICAL ASST PROF Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 84,050.00 $ 84,050.00
Reames, Tony G ASST PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 81,000.00 $ 81,000.00
Liang, Wen Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 76,965.12 $ 0.00
Riseng, Catherine Ma ASST RES SCIENTIST Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 74,000.00 $ 7,400.00
Brines, Shannon Joseph Research Computer Specialist Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 73,100.62 $ 14,619.95
Narayanaraj, Ganapathy VISITING PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 72,000.00 $ 72,000.00
Campbell-Arvai, Victoria Elizabeth ASST RES SCIENTIST Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 71,750.00 $ 35,875.00
Marwah, Shikha LEO Lecturer I Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 71,555.18 $ 24,328.80
Bartlett, Mary E RESEARCH FELLOW Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 67,650.00 $ 0.00
Schueller, Sheila LEO Intermittent Lecturer Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 66,811.18 $ 53,448.94
Spolum, Maren Research Area Specialist Inter Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 66,807.45 $ 0.00
Nelson, Lindsay Anne LEO Intermittent Lecturer Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 62,148.00 $ 7,457.76
Diana, Barbara A Executive Secretary Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 60,339.33 $ 30,169.67
Page: 2 of 4

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