List of Departments

Number of people in this department: ROSS SC 615
Maximum Salary:$ 684,562.00
Average Salary:$ 137,974.97
Minimum Salary:$ 38,000.04

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 21 of 21
Name Title Department FTR GF
Parr-Matthews, Kirsten Academic Records Asst Inter ROSS SCH Information Technolog $ 46,982.78 $ 46,982.87
Hook, Andrea Administrative Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Admin Core Team $ 46,909.98 $ 46,909.97
Tiseo, Carol Administrative Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Office of Advancement $ 46,909.98 $ 46,909.97
Gist, James Facilities Assistant ROSS SCH Operations $ 46,849.25 $ 46,849.25
Else, Anne Info Resources Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Kresge Library $ 45,999.98 $ 46,000.00
Edwards, Jordan Res Development Asst Assoc ROSS SCH Office of Advancement $ 45,208.80 $ 45,208.80
Thiele, Suzanne Academic Records Asst Inter ROSS SCH Information Technolog $ 45,186.44 $ 45,186.49
Rogers Clendenin, Annicia Letierre Academic Records Asst Inter ROSS SCH Information Technolog $ 45,100.12 $ 45,100.00
Elie, Maria Meetings & Special Events Asst ROSS SCH Events $ 43,493.84 $ 43,493.84
Rhodes, Edith Cust Svc Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Operations $ 43,000.10 $ 43,000.00
Black, Eric Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 42,435.12 $ 42,435.00
Campbell, Brian Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 42,435.12 $ 42,435.00
Williams, Stephanie Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 42,435.12 $ 42,435.00
Wood, Cornelius Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 41,293.98 $ 41,293.95
Mejia, Marvin Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 38,000.04 $ 38,000.00
Page: 21 of 21

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