List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Medical Education 31
Maximum Salary:$ 173,165.66
Average Salary:$ 68,503.68
Minimum Salary:$ 37,000.08

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Harrison, Richard Van PROFESSOR Medical Education Admin $ 173,165.66 $ 60,607.98
Isom, Lori L ASST DEAN Medical Education $ 156,260.00 $ 39,065.00
Raoof, Ameed Director Medical Education Admin $ 116,763.00 $ 46,700.53
Armbruster, Betty Anne Administrative Dir Healthcare Medical Education Admin $ 115,593.27 $ 112,125.47
Densen, Bradley R Administrative Dir Healthcare Medical Education $ 93,544.20 $ 93,544.20
O'Lone, Tana Lynn Admin Manager Sr Healthcare Medical Education Admin $ 92,786.86 $ 83,508.17
Purkiss, Joel A Acad -/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Inter Medical Education $ 79,371.08 $ 79,371.08
Kiger, Joyce K Admin Specialist Senior Health Medical Education $ 77,939.05 $ 77,939.05
Poszywak, Kelly K Program Manager Medical Education $ 67,909.41 $ 67,909.41
Knight, Kathleen L Staff Specialist Hlth Medical Education $ 67,614.01 $ 0.00
Weir, Sara Jane Student Affairs Program Mgr Medical Education $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Hunter, Haunani Sypher Admin Specialist Inter Health Medical Education $ 60,487.84 $ 60,487.84
Sharp, Cynthia M Admin Specialist Assoc Health Medical Education $ 57,670.31 $ 0.00
Yang, Jun Statistician Intermediate Medical Education $ 57,148.12 $ 28,574.06
Bernat, Carrie Kaplan Acad -/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Inter Medical Education $ 57,019.81 $ 57,019.81
Uhley, Virginia E Research Lab Specialist Inter Medical Education $ 55,153.28 $ 11,030.66
Middlemas, Sarah J Training Specialist Senior Medical Education $ 55,026.00 $ 22,285.34
Blackstone, Barbara S Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Medical Education $ 53,843.09 $ 53,843.14
Braun, Carrie L Student Admin Asst Sr Medical Education $ 53,626.85 $ 42,901.56
Chism, Brenda S Student Activities Coordinator Medical Education $ 53,590.33 $ 0.00
Page, Amy S Training Specialist Senior Medical Education $ 53,497.50 $ 53,497.50
Robins, Michelle L Database Administrator Inter Medical Education Admin $ 53,186.10 $ 13,296.53
Beson, Denise A Training Specialist Senior Medical Education $ 52,478.50 $ 52,478.50
Wagenschutz, Heather Admin Specialist Inter Health Medical Education $ 51,100.00 $ 51,100.00
Buckler, Stacie Training Specialist Inter Medical Education $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00
Wheeler, Brenda P Admin Coord/Project Coord Medical Education $ 47,420.09 $ 47,420.10
Miller, Jill M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Medical Education $ 45,945.98 $ 45,945.90
Hoeft, Jared Financial Specialist Associate Medical Education Admin $ 43,134.00 $ 15,959.58
Hafner, Mary R Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Medical Education $ 42,831.08 $ 42,831.10
Presley-Dorda, Sandra F Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Medical Education $ 37,508.60 $ 37,508.64
Page: 1 of 2

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