List of Departments

Number of people in this department: MM pharmacology 98
Maximum Salary:$ 276,557.30
Average Salary:$ 95,803.25
Minimum Salary:$ 32,999.98

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Traynor, John R PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 276,557.30 $ 141,882.19
Smrcka, Alan Victor PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 262,158.30 $ 164,522.68
Hastings, Michelle Laura PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 258,750.00 $ 160,795.01
Satin, Leslie PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 257,968.11 $ 232,171.30
Ruas, Jorge Lira PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 243,225.00 $ 0.00
Osawa, Yoichi PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 211,210.09 $ 178,894.95
Holinstat, Michael Allan PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 206,708.34 $ 98,186.46
Puthenveedu, Manojkumar PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 206,708.13 $ 134,360.28
Tall, Gregory G PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 202,000.00 $ 88,880.00
Paris, Debra L Chief Dept Administrator Hlth MM Pharmacology Department $ 156,000.00 $ 156,000.00
Newman, Carrie ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 147,995.46 $ 96,197.05
Canman, Christine E ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 144,677.91 $ 116,465.72
Jenkins, Paul Michael ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 142,638.13 $ 58,481.35
Sebag, Julien ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 140,000.00 $ 140,000.00
Goforth, Paula ASST PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 139,725.00 $ 69,862.50
Brody, Matthew ASST PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 139,725.00 $ 12,575.25
Levitt, Erica Sawyer ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 137,253.94 $ 26,078.25
Svoboda, Laurie Kathleen ASST PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 132,901.26 $ 26,580.25
Iniguez-Lluhi, Jorge A ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 131,260.92 $ 131,260.92
Jones, Kevin S CLINICAL ASST PROF MM Pharmacology Department $ 130,743.17 $ 23,533.77
Courtney, Adam Heath ASST PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 130,005.32 $ 76,703.14
Lee, Kyoung Eun ASST PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 130,004.80 $ 78,002.88
Birdsong, William T ASST PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 129,383.29 $ 119,032.63
Lorberbaum, David Samuel ASST PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 127,926.00 $ 102,340.80
Yuan, Yukun ASSOC RES SCIENTIST MM Pharmacology Department $ 127,293.83 $ 0.00
Jones, David Kelly ASST PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 126,895.14 $ 68,523.38
Zhao, Bo Research Administration Mg MM Pharmacology Department $ 125,767.98 $ 100,614.38
Wolf-Fortune, Sonya Janelle ASST PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 125,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Peckham, Elizabeth Marie CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 111,935.25 $ 111,935.25
Bidwell, Yvonne M Research Administrator Sr MM Pharmacology Department $ 111,764.93 $ 100,588.44
Page: 1 of 4

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