List of Departments

Number of people in this department: MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea 12
Maximum Salary:$ 212,100.00
Average Salary:$ 157,158.16
Minimum Salary:$ 52,984.50

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
LiPuma, John Joseph PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 212,100.00 $ 0.00
Weinberg, Jason B ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 199,435.76 $ 11,966.15
Inagaki, Kengo CLINICAL ASSOC PROF MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 198,615.64 $ 1,986.16
Tribble, Alison CLINICAL ASSOC PROF MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 191,974.54 $ 1,919.75
Stillwell, Terri Lynn CLINICAL ASSOC PROF MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 191,138.88 $ 1,911.39
Watson, Michael CLINICAL ASSOC PROF MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 189,095.95 $ 1,891.62
Dawid, Suzanne Rachel ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 188,543.54 $ 67,875.67
Lloyd, Elizabeth Chenoweth CLINICAL ASST PROF MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 158,059.48 $ 1,580.59
Warrier, Kavita Shanker CLINICAL ASST PROF MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 153,000.00 $ 918.00
Rickelmann, Melissa GME Program Admin Senior MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 80,340.00 $ 0.00
Spilker, Theodore Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 70,609.60 $ 0.00
Gallo, Megan Admin Asst Sr Healthcare MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disea $ 52,984.50 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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