List of Departments

Number of people in this department: MM Access 11
Maximum Salary:$ 100,785.50
Average Salary:$ 70,965.46
Minimum Salary:$ 47,379.98

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Dewyer, Terri L Business Systems Analyst Sr MM Access & Insights $ 100,785.50 $ 0.00
Hagler, Ashley Kristine Admin Manager Sr Healthcare MM Access & Insights $ 100,000.00 $ 0.00
Stoddard, Carolyn M Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Access & Insights $ 85,141.01 $ 0.00
Esch, Jennifer Business Systems Analyst Sr MM Access & Insights $ 81,802.60 $ 0.00
Abraham, Emily Rae Business Systems Analyst Sr MM Access & Insights $ 75,190.00 $ 0.00
Kumaraguru, Ponnarasi Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Access & Insights $ 68,958.50 $ 0.00
McCormick, Tracy Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Access & Insights $ 64,184.45 $ 0.00
Young, Monica Lynn Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Access & Insights $ 61,285.00 $ 0.00
Agius, Janell Business Systems Analyst Assoc MM Access & Insights $ 48,327.72 $ 0.00
Jones, LaQuisha Renae Business Systems Analyst Assoc MM Access & Insights $ 47,565.30 $ 0.00
Crawford, Presley Lynn Business Systems Analyst Assoc MM Access & Insights $ 47,379.98 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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