List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content 14
Maximum Salary:$ 104,308.72
Average Salary:$ 62,131.52
Minimum Salary:$ 33,513.93

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hagedorn, Katrina Louise LIBRARIAN LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 104,308.72 $ 104,308.72
McIntyre, Robert James Program Manager LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 90,242.81 $ 90,242.81
Schaffner, Paul Frederick SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 87,763.73 $ 87,763.73
Powell, Christina Kelleher LIBRARIAN LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 84,255.00 $ 84,255.00
Wentzel, Lawrence R SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 71,910.19 $ 71,910.19
Havens, Lauren Erica ASSOC LIBRARIAN LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 69,459.00 $ 69,459.00
Adler, Richard ASSOC LIBRARIAN LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 65,406.21 $ 0.00
Latta, John A Infor Resources Specialist Sr LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 54,140.86 $ 54,140.86
Unger, Lara Deanna Info Resources Sr Supr LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 52,973.63 $ 52,973.63
Glover, Jason Info Resources Assistant Sr LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 44,108.65 $ 44,108.65
Israel, Margaret C Electronic Imaging Technician LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 39,823.12 $ 39,823.12
Larsen, Keith Louis Info Resources Assistant Inter LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 37,935.51 $ 37,935.51
Evans, Jeremy Info Resources Assistant Inter LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 33,999.94 $ 34,000.00
Haldy, Emma Electronic Imaging Technician LibraryInfoTech - Dig. Content $ 33,513.93 $ 33,513.93
Page: 1 of 1

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