List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Library Research-Social Scienc 16
Maximum Salary:$ 104,916.12
Average Salary:$ 86,508.49
Minimum Salary:$ 60,000.00

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Downing, Karen E LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 104,916.12 $ 104,916.12
Ransom, Charles G LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 98,812.23 $ 98,812.23
Joque, Justin Matthew LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 97,855.53 $ 97,855.53
Nichols, Darlene P LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 96,629.25 $ 96,629.25
Nason, Jennifer L LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 95,169.00 $ 95,169.00
Utter, Timothy P LIBRARIAN Library Research-Social Scienc $ 91,656.72 $ 91,656.72
Desai, Shevon Ardeshir SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Research-Social Scienc $ 90,046.48 $ 90,046.48
Longstreth, Karl E LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 89,704.12 $ 89,704.12
Barrow, Paul J ASSOC LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 85,757.27 $ 85,757.27
Yang, Jung Won LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 84,057.23 $ 84,057.23
Morse, Catherine Lynne LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 83,930.45 $ 83,930.45
Welzenbach, Rebecca Anne SR ASSOC LIBR LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 80,261.07 $ 80,261.07
Kahn, Meredith L SR ASSOC LIBR LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 78,552.57 $ 78,552.57
Scholtz, Nicole Olga SR ASSOC LIBR LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 75,626.53 $ 75,626.53
Kayko, Caroline Maria ASSOC LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 71,161.28 $ 71,161.28
Ness, Cristalan Noelle ASST LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Research-Social Scienc $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Page: 1 of 1

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