List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog 16
Maximum Salary:$ 85,832.04
Average Salary:$ 52,232.60
Minimum Salary:$ 33,092.02

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Go, Fe Susan T LIBRARIAN Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 85,832.04 $ 85,832.04
Crayne, Janet I LIBRARIAN Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 75,882.00 $ 75,882.00
Rodgers, Jonathan H LIBRARIAN Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 75,778.08 $ 75,778.08
Gertel, Elliot H SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 68,439.00 $ 23,953.65
Martin, Jeffrey ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 61,661.04 $ 61,661.04
Snyder, Beth E ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 55,022.04 $ 55,022.04
Gitelman, Marlene J Infor Resources Specialist Sr Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 49,200.00 $ 24,600.00
Slater, Walter Francis ASST LIBRARIAN Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 48,840.00 $ 32,722.80
Baker, Steven M Infor Resources Specialist Sr Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 42,865.08 $ 42,865.08
Sayman, Feyza Infor Resources Specialist Sr Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 42,562.08 $ 42,562.08
Meesanga, Sujira Infor Resources Specialist Sr Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 42,052.08 $ 42,052.08
Sadeghi Moaddel, Marjan Infor Resources Specialist Sr Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 41,446.08 $ 20,723.04
Nautiyal, Kamala Devi Infor Resources Specialist Sr Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 39,535.08 $ 39,535.08
Muchnik, Irina Infor Resources Specialist Sr Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 37,620.00 $ 37,620.00
Kropf, Evyn Infor Resources Specialist Sr Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 35,895.00 $ 0.00
Billings, Leigh Anne Info Resources Cataloging Spec Library Pub Svcs - Area Prog $ 33,092.02 $ 33,092.02
Page: 1 of 1

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