List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Library Collect - Preservation 13
Maximum Salary:$ 104,740.70
Average Salary:$ 68,751.89
Minimum Salary:$ 48,189.88

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kaye, Marieka R LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Collect - Preservation $ 104,740.70 $ 0.00
Stuchell, Lance Thomas LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Collect - Preservation $ 101,329.99 $ 101,329.99
Borda, Susan SR ASSOC LIBR LEO-GLAM Library Collect - Preservation $ 84,679.95 $ 84,679.95
Crist, Amy Anne SR ASSOC LIBR LEO-GLAM Library Collect - Preservation $ 83,043.75 $ 0.00
Witmer, Scott David ASSOC LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Collect - Preservation $ 74,840.38 $ 74,840.38
Parks-Matthews, Katherine Dolores ASST LIBRARIAN LEO-GLAM Library Collect - Preservation $ 64,890.00 $ 64,890.00
Gilboe, Jeffrey C BOOK BINDER III Library Collect - Preservation $ 57,865.60 $ 57,865.60
Harris, Norman C BOOK BINDER III Library Collect - Preservation $ 57,865.60 $ 57,865.60
Mueller, Michael O Info Resources Assistant Inter Library Collect - Preservation $ 57,162.63 $ 57,162.63
Clark, Kyle Conservator Intermediate Library Collect - Preservation $ 55,284.91 $ 37,040.89
Murphy, Brooke Conservator Intermediate Library Collect - Preservation $ 55,284.91 $ 55,284.91
Burroughs, Ayana Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Collect - Preservation $ 48,596.30 $ 46,166.49
Pratt, Joseph C Info Resources Assistant Inter Library Collect - Preservation $ 48,189.88 $ 15,875.67
Page: 1 of 1

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