List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Law school 278
Maximum Salary:$ 600,500.00
Average Salary:$ 157,442.31
Minimum Salary:$ 39,999.96

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 10
Name Title Department FTR GF
Paul, Sanjukta PROFESSOR Law School $ 270,400.00 $ 135,200.00
Rodgers, Michelle Communications Top Exec Unit Law School $ 270,400.00 $ 270,400.00
Litman, Leah Mihalchick PROFESSOR Law School $ 270,400.00 $ 270,400.00
Fox, Edward PROFESSOR Law School $ 265,200.00 $ 265,200.00
Bienenstock, Martin Jay LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 260,185.40 $ 24,619.68
Buikema, Mary Development Director Lead Law School $ 260,000.00 $ 260,000.00
Beny, Laura Nyantung PROFESSOR Law School $ 252,643.00 $ 151,585.80
Moran, David A CLINICAL PROFESSOR Law School $ 243,112.00 $ 243,112.00
Santacroce, David A CLINICAL PROFESSOR Law School $ 243,112.00 $ 243,112.00
Buchsbaum, Andrew P LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 238,282.50 $ 67,641.52
Page, Susan Denise LEO Lecturer IV Law School $ 237,020.90 $ 0.00
Sommers, Roseanna C ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 233,438.00 $ 233,438.00
Prifogle, Emily Alise ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 233,438.00 $ 233,438.00
Thompson, Heather A ADJUNCT PROFESSOR Law School $ 230,071.00 $ 69,021.30
Fryer, Daniel ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 228,010.00 $ 228,010.00
Vandervort, Frank E CLINICAL PROFESSOR Law School $ 219,471.00 $ 219,471.00
CdeBaca, Luis LEO Lecturer I Law School $ 217,695.39 $ 0.00
Rothschild, Rachel ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 217,152.00 $ 217,152.00
Kazis, Noah ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 217,152.00 $ 217,152.00
Zhang, Jeffery Yufeng ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 217,152.00 $ 217,152.00
Viljoen, Salome ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 217,152.00 $ 217,152.00
Schaus, Steven R ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 217,152.00 $ 217,152.00
Steinberg, Michael J CLINICAL ASST PROF Law School $ 216,753.00 $ 0.00
Kaul, Ramji Assistant Dean Law School $ 216,015.00 $ 216,015.00
D'Haene, Kimberly Assistant Dean Law School $ 216,015.00 $ 216,015.00
Thomas, Kimberly A CLINICAL PROFESSOR Law School $ 214,532.00 $ 214,532.00
Nana, Chavi K LEO Lecturer III Law School $ 211,869.00 $ 211,869.00
Deacon, Daniel Taylor ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 208,800.00 $ 208,800.00
Carr, Bridgette Ann CLINICAL PROFESSOR Law School $ 207,607.00 $ 197,226.65
Appleberry, Nicole CLINICAL PROFESSOR Law School $ 207,607.00 $ 103,803.50
Page: 3 of 10

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