List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA Political Science 75
Maximum Salary:$ 319,225.00
Average Salary:$ 137,569.98
Minimum Salary:$ 34,500.00

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Axelrod, Robert PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 319,225.00 $ 0.00
Quinn, Kevin Michael PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 279,000.00 $ 279,000.00
Tessler, Mark A PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 276,334.00 $ 276,334.00
Lupia, Arthur PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 272,060.00 $ 272,060.00
Tsebelis, George PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 265,437.00 $ 265,437.00
Burns, Nancy E PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 254,890.00 $ 254,890.00
Page, Scott E PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 250,728.00 $ 125,364.00
Morrow, James D PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 240,000.00 $ 240,000.00
Goldenberg, Edie N PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 226,433.00 $ 226,433.00
Kinder, Donald R PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 223,374.00 $ 100,518.30
Hutchings, Vincent L PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 220,887.00 $ 220,887.00
Shipan, Charles R PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 220,528.00 $ 33,079.20
Luong, Pauline Jones PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 215,554.00 $ 107,777.00
Valentino, Nicholas A PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 214,857.00 $ 214,857.00
Davenport, Christian PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 209,663.00 $ 209,663.00
Kollman, Kenneth W PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 200,000.00 $ 0.00
Gallagher, Mary E PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 195,666.00 $ 146,749.50
Saxonhouse, Arlene W PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 191,921.00 $ 191,921.00
Disch, Lisa Jane PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 189,989.00 $ 189,989.00
Franzese Jr, Robert J PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 186,408.00 $ 139,806.00
Titiunik, Rocio ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 181,442.00 $ 0.00
Inglehart, Ronald F PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 177,477.00 $ 70,990.80
Markovits, Andrei S PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 177,344.00 $ 88,672.00
Corcoran, Mary E PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 176,810.00 $ 58,347.30
Brandwein, Pamela PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 174,655.00 $ 87,327.50
Mebane Jr, Walter R PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 174,116.00 $ 130,587.00
Slater, Daniel PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 172,000.00 $ 172,000.00
Brader, Ted PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 168,257.00 $ 168,257.00
Wingrove, Elizabeth R PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 168,239.67 $ 126,179.75
Koremenos, Barbara PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 166,764.00 $ 166,764.00
Page: 1 of 3

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