List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA Mathematics 156
Maximum Salary:$ 254,877.00
Average Salary:$ 100,382.52
Minimum Salary:$ 44,290.11

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hochster, Melvin PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 254,877.00 $ 242,133.15
Wu, Sijue PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 224,400.00 $ 145,860.00
Bloch, Anthony M PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 220,455.00 $ 220,455.00
Bayraktar, Erhan PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 215,200.00 $ 118,360.00
Bhatt, Bhargav PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 210,000.00 $ 105,000.00
Smith, Karen E PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 207,643.00 $ 207,643.00
Young, Virginia R PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 198,934.00 $ 0.00
Lagarias, Jeffrey C PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 197,403.00 $ 197,403.00
Fomin, Sergey PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 196,270.00 $ 196,270.00
Jackson, Trachette L PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 189,776.00 $ 189,776.00
Borcea, Liliana PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 189,464.00 $ 189,464.00
Forger, Daniel Barclay PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 188,776.00 $ 122,704.40
Barvinok, Alexander PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 186,512.00 $ 186,512.00
Bass, Hyman PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 186,452.94 $ 88,565.15
Lam, Thomas PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 183,600.00 $ 183,600.00
Mustata, Mircea Immanuel PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 180,643.00 $ 180,643.00
Canary, Richard D PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 178,004.00 $ 178,004.00
Jonsson, Mattias PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 172,091.00 $ 172,091.00
Spatzier, Ralf J PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 171,013.00 $ 171,013.00
DeBacker, Stephen M PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 166,017.00 $ 166,017.00
Blass, Andreas R PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 164,275.00 $ 164,275.00
Baik, Jinho PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 164,058.00 $ 164,058.00
Uribe-Ahumada, Alejandro PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 160,500.00 $ 160,500.00
Miller, Peter D PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 160,476.00 $ 160,476.00
Conlon, Joseph G PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 160,230.00 $ 160,230.00
Ho, Wei ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 160,000.00 $ 160,000.00
Megginson, Robert E PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 158,681.00 $ 158,681.00
Prasanna, Kartik PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 156,882.00 $ 156,882.00
Griess Jr, Robert L PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 153,128.00 $ 145,471.60
Krasny, Robert PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 152,762.00 $ 112,325.90
Page: 1 of 6

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