List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA Linguistics 22
Maximum Salary:$ 140,492.00
Average Salary:$ 90,574.04
Minimum Salary:$ 44,189.08

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Thomason, Sarah Grey PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 140,492.00 $ 133,467.40
Beddor, Patrice Speeter PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 140,290.00 $ 140,290.00
Epstein, Samuel D PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 126,670.00 $ 126,670.00
Dworkin, Steven N PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 119,741.00 $ 29,935.25
Baptista, Marlyse PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 117,841.00 $ 117,841.00
Queen, Robin M PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 113,568.00 $ 85,176.00
Abney, Steven P ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 109,950.00 $ 109,950.00
Duanmu, San PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 107,900.00 $ 107,900.00
Pires, Acrisio M PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 107,243.00 $ 107,243.00
Coetzee, Andries W ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 98,120.00 $ 98,120.00
Baxter, William Hubbard PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 93,680.00 $ 46,840.00
Keshet, Ezra Russell ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 87,518.00 $ 87,518.00
O'Shannessy, Carmel Therese ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 84,025.00 $ 84,025.00
Krivokapic, Jelena ASST PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 84,012.00 $ 84,012.00
Winston, Talisha Business Administrator Inter LSA Linguistics $ 78,011.34 $ 78,011.34
Brennan, Jonathan R ASST PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 77,945.00 $ 77,945.00
McNulty, Elaine M LEO Lecturer II LSA Linguistics $ 62,505.44 $ 41,675.52
Petee, Sandra L Executive Secretary LSA Linguistics $ 57,614.00 $ 57,614.00
Nguyen, Jennifer Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Linguistics $ 50,914.00 $ 50,914.00
Whately, Colleen Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Linguistics $ 45,900.00 $ 22,950.00
Styler IV, William Francis RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Linguistics $ 44,500.00 $ 0.00
Miller, Rachel Leigh Rutter Academic Program Specialist LSA Linguistics: Weinberg ICS $ 44,189.08 $ 38,665.45
Page: 1 of 1

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