List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA DEan 418
Maximum Salary:$ 416,955.00
Average Salary:$ 94,329.90
Minimum Salary:$ 39,999.96

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 7 of 14
Name Title Department FTR GF
Tadros, Nada Communications Manager LSA Dean: Undergrad. Education $ 85,859.00 $ 85,859.00
Wojan, Anna Lynne Major Gifts Officer Inter LSA Dean: Advancement $ 85,054.00 $ 85,054.00
Andrion, Aimee Art Services Intermediate Supr LSA Dean: Advancement $ 85,039.00 $ 85,039.00
Matteson, Vanessa Marie Administrative Specialist LSA Dean: Advancement $ 84,883.00 $ 84,883.00
Vuchkova, Tsvetelina Business Administrator Inter LSA Dean: Undergrad. Education $ 84,800.00 $ 84,800.00
Kreager, Rachel Nichole Instructional Learning Senior LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 84,500.00 $ 84,500.00
Austin, Todd Lindborg Desktop Support Specialist Sr LSA Dean: TS Support Services $ 84,500.00 $ 84,500.00
Smith, Brittany Public Relations Rep Senior LSA Dean: Advancement $ 84,041.00 $ 84,041.00
Machinski, Kathleen Business Administrator Assoc LSA Dean: Advancement $ 83,840.00 $ 83,840.00
Sparkman, Julie B Meetings/Special Events Mgr LSA Dean: Advancement $ 83,633.00 $ 83,633.00
Redmond, Rachel Marketing Analyst Senior LSA Dean: Advancement $ 83,530.00 $ 83,530.00
Titus, Ann Marie Executive Secretary LSA Dean: Specialized Ofc Svcs $ 83,283.00 $ 83,283.00
Case, Brandon Desktop Support Specialist Sr LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 82,800.00 $ 82,800.00
Ray, Keon Anthony Desktop Support Specialist Sr LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 82,800.00 $ 82,800.00
DeCamp, Elizabeth Multimedia Designer LSA Dean: Advancement $ 82,539.00 $ 82,539.00
Smith, Robyn Project Intermediate Manager LSA Dean: Advancement $ 82,400.00 $ 82,400.00
Coy, Caroline Instructional Learning Senior LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 82,400.00 $ 82,400.00
Cook, Jeremiah App Systems Analyst Inter LSA Dean: TS Web&App Dev Svcs $ 82,300.00 $ 82,300.00
McCoig, Samantha HR Generalist Senior LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 82,000.00 $ 82,000.00
Berry, Kimberly Business Administrator Inter LSA Dean: Undergrad. Education $ 82,000.00 $ 82,000.00
Hudson, Linda Systems Administrator Inter LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 81,900.00 $ 81,900.00
Pover, Vitaliy Tech Support Analyst Lead LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 81,400.00 $ 81,400.00
Garant, Trey Facilities Coordinator/Manager LSA Dean: Facilities $ 81,300.00 $ 81,300.00
Sumrall, Kristin Instructional Designer Senior LSA Dean: TS Web&App Dev Svcs $ 81,000.00 $ 81,000.00
Deakins, Nicholas John Project Engineer Intermediate LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 80,800.00 $ 80,800.00
Klosterman, Katherine IT Asset Mgmt Administrator LSA Dean: TS Op Effectiveness $ 80,800.00 $ 80,800.00
von Werder, Stefan Tech Support Analyst Lead LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 80,600.00 $ 80,600.00
Farquharson, Michael George Tech Support Analyst Lead LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 80,400.00 $ 80,400.00
Thaker, Hetal Instructional Learning Senior LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 80,300.00 $ 80,300.00
Zakalik, Michael HR Generalist Intermediate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
Page: 7 of 14

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