List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Industrial - Operations Engin 56
Maximum Salary:$ 286,000.00
Average Salary:$ 125,112.62
Minimum Salary:$ 45,999.98

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Daskin, Mark Stephen PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 286,000.00 $ 286,000.00
Seiford, Lawrence M PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 258,060.00 $ 129,030.00
Chaffin, Don B PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A Industrial - Operations Engin $ 223,866.50 $ 22,386.65
Lee, Jonathan PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 213,703.00 $ 138,906.95
Denton, Brian PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 210,000.00 $ 94,500.00
Denton, Brian CHAIR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 210,000.00 $ 105,000.00
Armstrong, Thomas J PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 207,000.00 $ 207,000.00
Chao, Xiuli PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 205,518.00 $ 205,518.00
Sarter, Nadine Barbara PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 196,000.00 $ 127,400.00
Thomas, Marlin Uluess RESEARCH PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 192,895.00 $ 0.00
Jin, Jionghua PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 191,185.00 $ 143,388.75
Keyserling, William M PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 177,204.00 $ 35,440.80
Liu, Yili PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 177,058.00 $ 175,209.51
Van Oyen, Mark Peter PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 171,853.00 $ 164,664.39
Hughes, Richard E Assoc Professor Industrial - Operations Engin $ 168,918.00 $ 42,229.50
Cohn, Amy Ellen Mainville PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 165,500.00 $ 44,171.12
Guikema, Seth David ASSOC PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 161,000.00 $ 152,209.40
Bozer, Yavuz Ahmet PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 158,000.00 $ 158,000.00
Saigal, Romesh PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 143,590.00 $ 143,590.00
Epelman, Marina A PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 136,832.00 $ 132,727.04
Lavieri-Rodriguez, Mariel ASSOC PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 122,944.00 $ 110,649.60
Shen, Siqian May ASSOC PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 122,000.00 $ 109,800.00
Nagarajan, Viswanath ASST PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 119,000.00 $ 113,050.00
Woolley, Charles B Research Area Specialist Lead Industrial - Operations Engin $ 118,696.00 $ 5,934.80
Martin, Bernard J ASSOC PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 118,048.00 $ 118,048.00
Byon, Eunshin ASSOC PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 115,744.00 $ 115,744.00
Smith, Rebekah Ann Business Administrator Lead Industrial - Operations Engin $ 114,950.00 $ 114,950.00
Shi, Cong ASST PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 110,601.00 $ 110,601.00
Konrad, Christopher J Desktop Support Manager Industrial - Operations Engin $ 110,125.00 $ 110,125.00
Green, Paul A LEO Adjunct Professor Industrial - Operations Engin $ 108,434.00 $ 32,530.20
Page: 1 of 2

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