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Number of people in this department: ITS Infra Sys - Middleware 7
Maximum Salary:$ 124,896.00
Average Salary:$ 86,698.43
Minimum Salary:$ 69,810.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pliakas, Vasilios D Sys and Middleware Prgm Mgr ITS Infra Sys - Middleware $ 124,896.00 $ 124,896.00
Timberlake, Bruce CS Programmer Senior ITS Infra Sys - Middleware $ 95,905.00 $ 95,905.00
Fisher, Jeremy CS Programmer Senior ITS Infra Sys - Middleware $ 86,806.00 $ 86,806.00
Awood, Brian J Sys and Middleware Prog Sr ITS Infra Sys - Middleware $ 86,156.00 $ 86,156.00
Rahn, Brian CS Programmer Intermediate ITS Infra Sys - Middleware $ 72,164.00 $ 72,164.00
Barnsdale, Derrick CS Programmer Intermediate ITS Infra Sys - Middleware $ 71,152.00 $ 71,152.00
Patel, Jalpa S CS Programmer Intermediate ITS Infra Sys - Middleware $ 69,810.00 $ 69,810.00
Page: 1 of 1

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