List of Departments

Number of people in this department: ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance 19
Maximum Salary:$ 130,810.00
Average Salary:$ 88,607.74
Minimum Salary:$ 50,556.00

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Bermann, Sol IS Security Manager ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 130,810.00 $ 130,810.00
Lowry, Michael IS Security Manager ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
Neuvirth, James Disaster Recovery Planner ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 97,249.00 $ 97,249.00
Brenner, Christopher M Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 96,331.00 $ 96,331.00
Tomaszewski, Jeffrey Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 94,990.00 $ 94,990.00
Cheek, Kevin D Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 94,950.00 $ 94,950.00
Levy, Alan J Business Proc Consultant Lead ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 94,838.00 $ 94,838.00
Getchell, Richard K Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 93,840.00 $ 93,840.00
Rhee, William W Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 92,925.00 $ 92,925.00
Cox, Douglas T Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 90,649.00 $ 90,649.00
Castle, Jeffrey J IT Project Inter Manager ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 90,432.00 $ 90,432.00
Geerlings, Ross Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 87,720.00 $ 87,720.00
Dixon, Drew Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 82,192.00 $ 82,192.00
Burns, Kelly P Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 79,866.00 $ 79,866.00
Nelson, Paul Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 78,300.00 $ 78,300.00
Parsons, Shane Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00
Suter, Thomas K Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 69,000.00 $ 69,000.00
Bridson, Beth Lynn Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 68,899.00 $ 68,899.00
Wheeler, Kimberly S Administrative Assistant Sr ITS IIA Infra and Info Assurance $ 50,556.00 $ 50,556.00
Page: 1 of 1

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