List of Departments

Number of people in this department: ITS FandF Finance 11
Maximum Salary:$ 176,001.00
Average Salary:$ 90,675.55
Minimum Salary:$ 53,587.00

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kennedy, Jeff Administrative Director ITS FandF Finance $ 176,001.00 $ 176,001.00
MacDougall, Barry D IT Financial Planning Director ITS FandF Finance $ 141,705.00 $ 106,278.75
Freiberg, Sean M Financial Senior Manager ITS FandF Finance $ 101,376.00 $ 101,376.00
McNabb, Kamela IT Contract Administrator ITS FandF Finance $ 90,476.00 $ 90,476.00
Salazar, Kelly Ann Financial or Bus Analyst Sr ITS FandF Finance $ 79,083.00 $ 79,083.00
Carpenter, Jacqueline A Budget Analyst Senior ITS FandF Finance $ 74,843.00 $ 74,843.00
Purdy, Kent Financial or Bus Analyst Sr ITS FandF Finance $ 72,828.00 $ 72,828.00
Mell, Carrie Helen Budget Analyst Senior ITS FandF Finance $ 71,187.00 $ 71,187.00
McGuinty, Pamela Ann Budget Analyst Senior ITS FandF Finance $ 68,619.00 $ 68,619.00
Martin, Nancy K Budget Analyst Senior ITS FandF Finance $ 67,726.00 $ 67,726.00
Charboneau, Linda Diane IT Acquisitions Administrator ITS FandF Finance $ 53,587.00 $ 53,587.00
Page: 1 of 1

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