List of Departments

Number of people in this department: ITS DISC Services 19
Maximum Salary:$ 161,010.00
Average Salary:$ 98,590.68
Minimum Salary:$ 58,204.00

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Sager, Martin IS Operations Director ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 161,010.00 $ 161,010.00
Charters, James OS Programmer Lead ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 118,752.00 $ 83,126.40
Wilkerson, Bryan A ERP Business Analyst Lead ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 113,082.00 $ 113,082.00
Kolasa, Stephen F OS Programming Supr ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 109,614.00 $ 32,884.20
Berry, Ali OS Programming Supr ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 109,000.00 $ 109,000.00
Irwin, Mark OS Programming Supr ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 108,950.00 $ 0.00
Robinson, Adam OS Programmer Lead ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 108,938.00 $ 27,234.50
Powell, Daniel F OS Programmer Senior ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 104,238.00 $ 15,635.70
Facer, Roger OS Programmer Senior ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 97,955.00 $ 0.00
Laundree, James OS Programmer Senior ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 97,041.00 $ 63,076.65
Hendrickson, Ezekiel OS Programmer Senior ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 93,767.00 $ 93,767.00
Chess, Matthew OS Programmer Senior ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 93,536.00 $ 60,798.40
Moore, Kenneth OS Programmer Senior ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 93,056.00 $ 60,486.40
Miller, Brian OS Programmer Senior ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 84,704.00 $ 84,704.00
Olivas, Carlos OS Programmer Senior ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 83,677.00 $ 83,677.00
Gholizadeh, Neda OS Programmer Senior ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 83,454.00 $ 83,454.00
Hanadel, Paul John OS Programmer Intermediate ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 81,473.00 $ 0.00
Espinoza, Kyle OS Programmer Intermediate ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 72,772.00 $ 18,193.00
Deeds, Matthew OS Programmer Associate ITS DISC Services & Ops $ 58,204.00 $ 58,204.00
Page: 1 of 1

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