List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Flint Hvac and Utilities 11
Maximum Salary:$ 65,228.80
Average Salary:$ 60,371.05
Minimum Salary:$ 51,584.00

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Jagielo, Timothy R ELECTRICIAN Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 65,228.80 $ 65,228.80
Johnson, Thomas R ELECTRICIAN Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 65,228.80 $ 65,228.80
Anderson, David Ronald A/C and REFRIGERATION MECHANIC Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 64,500.80 $ 64,500.80
Smith, Bradley ELECTRICIAN Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 64,188.80 $ 64,188.80
Nardi, Rocco Anthony STEAMFITTER Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 63,460.80 $ 63,460.80
Ellison, Kenneth J SR OPERATING ENG Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 62,545.60 $ 62,545.60
Salazar Jr, Daniel A HVAC REPAIRPERSON II-FLT Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 60,070.40 $ 60,070.40
Taljonick, Curtis HVAC REPAIRPERSON II-FLT Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 57,033.60 $ 57,033.60
Caballero Jr, Joseph Ray HVAC REPAIRPERSON I - FLT Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 55,120.00 $ 55,120.00
Lockwood, Lloyd H HVAC REPAIRPERSON I - FLT Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 55,120.00 $ 55,120.00
Hardy, Timothy B BOILER OPERATOR Flint Hvac and Utilities $ 51,584.00 $ 51,584.00
Page: 1 of 1

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