List of Departments

Number of people in this department: FinOps Payroll 36
Maximum Salary:$ 170,948.94
Average Salary:$ 73,154.36
Minimum Salary:$ 45,427.08

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Mettlach, Jim P Payroll Director FinOps Payroll Office $ 170,948.94 $ 170,948.94
Brown, Leslie Payroll Associate Director FinOps Payroll Office $ 124,384.00 $ 124,384.00
Mullaly, Carolyn J Payroll Associate Director FinOps Payroll Office $ 124,384.00 $ 124,384.00
Wallen, Sally L Business Systems Analyst Sr FinOps Payroll Office $ 109,031.86 $ 109,031.86
Hassan, Kimberly Lanisha Payroll Manager FinOps Payroll Office $ 97,000.00 $ 97,000.00
Welty, Denise Marie Payroll Manager FinOps Payroll Office $ 95,000.00 $ 95,000.00
Monty, Sheila K Payroll Manager FinOps Payroll Office $ 95,000.00 $ 95,000.00
Miller, Stephen Gen Accounting Sr Supr FinOps Payroll Office $ 86,000.00 $ 86,000.00
Fleszar, Jonathan J Payroll Senior Supervisor FinOps Payroll Office $ 84,200.00 $ 84,200.00
Potvin, Georgina Metsovas Business Systems Analyst Inter FinOps Payroll Office $ 83,043.41 $ 83,043.41
Mireles, Maria D Payroll Intermediate Supr FinOps Payroll Office $ 81,290.47 $ 81,290.47
Baum, Tracy L Payroll Analyst Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 78,622.50 $ 78,622.50
Jeffery, Wayne A Payroll Analyst Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 76,783.31 $ 76,783.31
Cunningham, Andrea Business Systems Analyst Inter FinOps Payroll Office $ 71,557.20 $ 71,557.20
Mann, Amy R Payroll Analyst Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 70,660.56 $ 70,660.56
Poet, Karen L Payroll Analyst Intermediate FinOps Payroll Office $ 68,171.60 $ 68,171.60
Barrett, Andrea Payroll Analyst Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 67,606.13 $ 67,606.13
Geiger, Lauren Payroll Analyst Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 67,606.13 $ 67,606.13
Jelks, Sheila A Payroll Associate Supervisor FinOps Payroll Office $ 66,626.82 $ 66,626.92
Jackson, Teresa I Payroll Associate Supervisor FinOps Payroll Office $ 62,732.82 $ 62,732.80
Wagner, Jeraldine Michele Payroll Clerk Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 62,725.51 $ 62,725.40
Russell, Laurie A Payroll Clerk Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 61,233.71 $ 61,233.81
O'Brien, Heather Payroll Analyst Intermediate FinOps Payroll Office $ 61,002.82 $ 61,002.82
Visel, Tara Payroll Associate Supervisor FinOps Payroll Office $ 60,465.02 $ 60,465.00
Tomlin, Yvonne K Payroll Clerk Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 59,904.89 $ 59,904.90
Knowles, Kellye Payroll Clerk Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 54,889.42 $ 54,889.48
Robakiewicz, Keely Payroll Clerk Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 51,808.64 $ 25,904.32
Sauls, Faith A Payroll Clerk Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 50,957.40 $ 50,957.40
DiPietro, Nicole Payroll Clerk Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 50,835.20 $ 50,835.20
Hoffenbecker, Catherine Payroll Clerk Senior FinOps Payroll Office $ 50,835.20 $ 50,835.20
Page: 1 of 2

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