List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Field Operations Bureau 23
Maximum Salary:$ 116,790.00
Average Salary:$ 65,956.33
Minimum Salary:$ 29,838.12

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Piersante, Joseph G Public Safety Associate Dir Field Operations Bureau $ 116,790.00 $ 116,790.00
Neumann, Robert D Police Lieutenant Field Operations Bureau $ 81,409.26 $ 81,409.26
Overton, Melissa Joe'L Police Lieutenant Field Operations Bureau $ 80,190.36 $ 80,190.36
Hicks, Gary A Police Sergeant Field Operations Bureau $ 74,856.78 $ 74,856.78
Soichet, Robert J Police Sergeant Field Operations Bureau $ 74,501.82 $ 74,501.82
Richmond, Stacy L Police Sergeant Field Operations Bureau $ 73,818.42 $ 73,818.42
Chatell, Michelle Police Sergeant Field Operations Bureau $ 73,501.20 $ 73,501.20
Conners, Janet L Police Sergeant Field Operations Bureau $ 73,471.62 $ 73,471.62
Alessi, Pasquale Police Sergeant Field Operations Bureau $ 73,460.40 $ 73,460.40
Steiner, Gerald D Police Sergeant Field Operations Bureau $ 73,457.34 $ 73,457.34
Forsberg, Jason Eric Police Sergeant Field Operations Bureau $ 73,322.70 $ 73,322.70
Johnson, Jesse E Evidence/Records Coordinator Field Operations Bureau $ 68,390.14 $ 68,390.14
Carelli, Christian M Police Sergeant Field Operations Bureau $ 65,493.00 $ 65,493.00
Chalogianis, Theo D POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 65,492.96 $ 65,492.96
Ricco, Anthony J POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 65,492.96 $ 65,492.96
Zavala, Richard F POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 59,537.92 $ 59,537.92
Dunny, Joseph J POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 59,537.92 $ 59,537.92
Williams, Paula Robin POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 53,355.90 $ 53,355.90
Pomorski, Michael Scott Evidence/Records Coordinator Field Operations Bureau $ 49,479.04 $ 49,479.04
Goci, Milot POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 48,111.96 $ 48,111.96
Laski, Susan M Secretary Senior Field Operations Bureau $ 47,164.78 $ 47,164.78
Lewis, Joyce M Records Clerk Associate Field Operations Bureau $ 36,320.96 $ 36,320.96
Peterson, Stefan PARK ENFORC OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 29,838.12 $ 29,838.12
Page: 1 of 1

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