List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Dbn Office of the Chancellor 6
Maximum Salary:$ 252,500.00
Average Salary:$ 108,969.55
Minimum Salary:$ 53,609.00

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Little, Daniel E CHANCELLOR Dbn Office of the Chancellor $ 252,500.00 $ 252,500.00
Metz, Ray E Chief of Staff Regional Campus Dbn Office of the Chancellor $ 126,025.29 $ 126,025.29
Bolling, Eric R EEO/Diversity Rep Lead Dbn Office of the Chancellor $ 87,710.00 $ 43,855.00
Henry, Adele J Asst to the CEO Single Instit Dbn Office of the Chancellor $ 79,373.00 $ 79,373.00
Moehring, Cynthia A Administrative Specialist Dbn Office of the Chancellor $ 54,600.00 $ 54,600.00
Holland, Karen L Meetings/Special Events Mgr Dbn Office of the Chancellor $ 53,609.00 $ 53,609.00
Page: 1 of 1

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