List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng 43
Maximum Salary:$ 200,437.00
Average Salary:$ 92,088.85
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.00

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kwak, Kyoung Hyun RESEARCH FELLOW Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 57,400.00 $ 0.00
He, Songping RESEARCH FELLOW Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 48,000.00 $ 0.00
Lawson, Constance H Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 45,058.00 $ 45,058.00
Gladyshev, Sergey Pavlovich LEO Lecturer II Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 44,834.00 $ 18,684.57
Wang, Xiaofang LEO Lecturer II Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 43,743.04 $ 21,871.52
Choi, Jaehwan LEO Lecturer II Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 42,905.10 $ 13,944.16
Awood, Rebekah Sharon Academic Records Asst Inter Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 41,122.00 $ 41,122.00
Sturla, Francisco A LEO Lecturer I Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 39,636.82 $ 9,909.28
Toeppe, Charles Secretary Associate Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 37,252.00 $ 37,252.00
Wu, Wen J LEO Lecturer I Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 34,272.40 $ 8,568.10
Kwak, Kyoung Hyun LEO Adjunct Lecturer Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 32,960.00 $ 8,240.00
Lee, Byungchan LEO Adjunct Lecturer Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 32,000.00 $ 8,000.00
Yagub, Amal LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 32,000.00 $ 10,666.64
Page: 2 of 2

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