List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Dbn CASL-Math 40
Maximum Salary:$ 142,000.00
Average Salary:$ 67,476.20
Minimum Salary:$ 39,500.00

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Remski, Joan C CHAIR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 142,000.00 $ 88,750.00
Lachance, Michael A PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 108,848.00 $ 27,212.00
Zhao, Jing PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 103,424.00 $ 103,424.00
Li, Gengxin ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 93,000.00 $ 93,000.00
Remski, Joan C PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 92,877.33 $ 34,829.00
Clifford, John H PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 92,731.00 $ 92,731.00
Krebs, Angela S ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 82,659.00 $ 82,659.00
Zeytuncu, Yunus Ergin ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 82,232.00 $ 82,232.00
Rathouz, Margaret M ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 82,129.00 $ 82,129.00
Cengiz Phillips, Nesrin ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 81,868.00 $ 81,868.00
Fiore, Thomas M ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 81,622.00 $ 81,622.00
Georgieva-Hristova, Yulia Nekova ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 80,900.00 $ 80,900.00
Agarwal, Mahesh Kumar ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 80,800.00 $ 80,800.00
Wiggins, Alan Daniel ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 80,550.00 $ 80,550.00
Kim, Hyejin ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 80,528.00 $ 80,528.00
Jabbusch, Kelly Ann ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 80,335.00 $ 80,335.00
Pokhrel, Keshav P ASST PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 75,992.00 $ 75,992.00
Sharaf, Taysseer Mahmoud ASST PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 74,309.00 $ 74,309.00
Viswanathan, Adityavikram ASST PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 68,712.00 $ 68,712.00
Dabkowski, Michael Gary ASST PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 68,450.00 $ 68,450.00
Macany, Montaha J LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 64,581.11 $ 64,581.11
Phillips, Benjamin A LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 60,124.93 $ 60,124.93
Karasik, Inessa Instructional Learning Inter Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 55,080.00 $ 55,080.00
Radosevich, Mark Steven LEO Lecturer III Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 53,757.10 $ 53,757.10
Wasilius, Nikki Administrative Specialist Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 52,255.00 $ 52,255.00
Bonfiglio, Mario A LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 51,076.08 $ 17,021.12
Igo, Jeffrey P LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 51,075.72 $ 51,075.76
Mahr, Christopher L LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 50,465.95 $ 33,648.18
Beidoun, Nasser A LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 49,698.26 $ 33,136.32
Mikula, Margaret MAry LEO Lecturer III Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 48,960.00 $ 48,960.00
Page: 1 of 2

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