List of Departments

Number of people in this department: DPS Patrol 59
Maximum Salary:$ 100,379.91
Average Salary:$ 56,356.03
Minimum Salary:$ 26,256.10

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Piersante, Joseph G Police Captain DPS Patrol $ 100,379.91 $ 100,379.91
Neumann, Robert D Police Lieutenant DPS Patrol $ 74,975.80 $ 74,975.80
Spork, Chris J Police Lieutenant DPS Patrol $ 74,231.95 $ 74,231.95
Overton, Melissa Joe'L Police Lieutenant DPS Patrol $ 74,033.26 $ 74,033.26
James, Crystal Police Lieutenant DPS Patrol $ 73,854.01 $ 73,854.01
Shannon, R Timothy Police Sergeant DPS Patrol $ 71,212.92 $ 71,212.92
Hicks, Gary A Police Sergeant DPS Patrol $ 69,175.25 $ 69,175.25
Soichet, Robert J Police Sergeant DPS Patrol $ 68,548.05 $ 68,548.05
Weincouff Jr, Eugene A Police Sergeant DPS Patrol $ 68,213.51 $ 68,213.51
Forsberg, Jason Eric Police Sergeant DPS Patrol $ 67,923.38 $ 67,923.38
Chatell, Michelle Police Sergeant DPS Patrol $ 67,923.38 $ 67,923.38
Conners, Janet L Police Sergeant DPS Patrol $ 67,896.00 $ 67,896.00
Alessi, Pasquale Police Sergeant DPS Patrol $ 67,885.75 $ 67,885.75
Steiner, Gerald D Police Sergeant DPS Patrol $ 67,882.38 $ 67,882.38
Anderson, Joseph E POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Rubino, Frank D POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Rice, Kevin B POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Push, Nanette L POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Pressly, Pete POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Pillsbury, Margie Marie POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Beatty, Charles E POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Burke, Maureen A POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
McDonald, Heather A POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Mathews, Michael J POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Lucas, Kevin E POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Upton, Susan Catherine POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Kohtz, Kurt W POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Carriveau, Brent Louis POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Veld, Garry K POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Hawkins, David S POLICE OFFICER DPS Patrol $ 59,935.98 $ 59,935.98
Page: 1 of 2

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