List of Departments

Number of people in this department: CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt 21
Maximum Salary:$ 218,360.00
Average Salary:$ 81,902.20
Minimum Salary:$ 37,689.60

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Mero, Deborah Sue Administrative Director CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 218,360.00 $ 218,360.00
Crundwell, Shelly M Financial Director CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 148,915.00 $ 148,915.00
Truskowski, Christina L HR Ofcr Staff Specialist CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 138,915.00 $ 138,915.00
Keedy, John A Facilities Management Director CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 138,915.00 $ 138,915.00
Forsyth, Linda J Research Process Sr Manager CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 107,006.00 $ 107,006.00
Bolash, Andrea Business Proc Consultant Lead CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 106,575.00 $ 106,575.00
Gorny, Paul J Financial Specialist Lead CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 89,958.00 $ 89,958.00
Boblitt, Kathleen J HR Generalist Lead CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 87,048.00 $ 87,048.00
Rau, Laurie Pauline Financial Specialist Senior CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 77,389.00 $ 77,389.00
Dobmeier, Michael Construction Project Coord CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 77,250.00 $ 77,250.00
Doxie, Chanda Office Services Manager CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 66,950.00 $ 66,950.00
Cruzen, Louis R Facilities Coordinator/Manager CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 61,556.00 $ 61,556.00
Pirkovic, Stevan Financial Specialist Inter CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 51,500.00 $ 51,500.00
Ristau, Rachael BI Analyst Intermediate CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 51,500.00 $ 51,500.00
Stanley, Stephen E Facilities Assistant CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 48,502.00 $ 48,502.00
Fineis, Kimberly Administrative Assistant Inter CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 45,565.00 $ 45,565.00
Campbell, Scott X Mail/Office Supply Assoc Supr CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 45,336.00 $ 45,336.00
Kaiser, Susan Administrative Assistant Inter CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 42,127.00 $ 42,127.00
Brock, Edward Financial Specialist Associate CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 41,200.00 $ 41,200.00
Lazarz, Michael K Facilities Assistant CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 37,689.60 $ 9,422.40
Lazarz, Michael K STOCKKEEPER II CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 37,689.60 $ 28,267.20
Page: 1 of 1

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