List of Departments

Number of people in this department: CoE Communications 24
Maximum Salary:$ 174,630.00
Average Salary:$ 73,987.04
Minimum Salary:$ 39,313.00

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Judge Hensel, Jennifer Marie Communications Top Exec Unit CoE Communications & Marketing $ 174,630.00 $ 174,630.00
Moore, Nicole Casal Communications Director CoE Communications & Marketing $ 112,200.00 $ 112,200.00
Szczepanski, Marcin Mktg Communications Sr Supr CoE Communications & Marketing $ 96,350.00 $ 96,350.00
Whitehouse, Bradley K Mktg Communications Inter Supr CoE Communications & Marketing $ 91,961.00 $ 91,961.00
Logan, Benjamin Mktg Communications Inter Supr CoE Communications & Marketing $ 91,961.00 $ 91,961.00
Badin, Mathias-Philippe Rene-Florent Audio/Visual Prod Assoc Supr CoE Communications & Marketing $ 81,057.00 $ 81,057.00
McAlpine, Katherine Public Relations Rep Senior CoE Communications & Marketing $ 78,280.00 $ 62,624.00
Alvey, Stephen Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 76,348.00 $ 76,348.00
Walker, Joshua Web Applications Developer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 72,881.00 $ 72,881.00
Cherry, Gabriel Public Relations Rep Senior CoE Communications & Marketing $ 72,249.00 $ 72,249.00
Gonzalez, Victoria Communications Specialist CoE Communications & Marketing $ 70,380.00 $ 70,380.00
Whitesall, Amy ERP Business Analyst Inter CoE Communications & Marketing $ 68,675.00 $ 68,675.00
Lynch, James Public Relations Rep Inter CoE Communications & Marketing $ 67,053.00 $ 67,053.00
Dougherty, Evan Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 66,393.00 $ 66,393.00
Marion, Tonya A Office Services Manager CoE Communications & Marketing $ 66,388.00 $ 66,388.00
Hyde, Scott Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 65,504.00 $ 65,504.00
Xu, Joseph Juechao Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 65,197.00 $ 65,197.00
Novak, Nicholas Web Designer/Admin Inter CoE Communications & Marketing $ 61,065.00 $ 61,065.00
Coelius, Robert Broadcast Producer Inter CoE Communications & Marketing $ 60,480.00 $ 60,480.00
Hutmacher, Levi Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 58,025.00 $ 58,025.00
Cabadas, Alexandra Web Designer/Admin Inter CoE Communications & Marketing $ 51,099.00 $ 51,099.00
Reinert, Jocelyn Marketing Coordinator CoE Communications & Marketing $ 44,100.00 $ 44,100.00
Robertson, Zachary Marketing Coordinator CoE Communications & Marketing $ 44,100.00 $ 44,100.00
Guswiler, Gage Marketing Assistant Associate CoE Communications & Marketing $ 39,313.00 $ 39,313.00
Page: 1 of 1

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